
时间:2019-01-11 00:18:32

标签: sql sql-server


问题在于45天的计算和发货日期导致整个查询将所有数据相乘(此查询应产生1行vs 25行输出)。我确定发运日期和获取日期是CTE中引起查询乘法的代码行,但是由于我似乎正确地完成了所有操作,因此无法弄清楚如何解决该问题。



tl.shipdate (in select field)
tl.shipdate (in group by field)
where DATEDIFF(day, tl.shipdate, GETDATE() ) > 45

这是全部查询-我在上面为纠正查询而注释掉的行在ItemPurchased CTE中

 With ItemMetrics As
 select ilm.item_id, 
 ilm.REORDER_POINT ReorderPnt,  
 ilm.PREF_STOCK_LEVEL PrefStockLvl,
 ilm.on_hand_count OnHandCnt,
 ilm.on_order_count OnOrderCnt,
 ilm.available_count AvailableCnt
   from ns.ITEM_LOCATION_MAP ilm
     where ilm.location_id = 3

ItemPurchased As 
 select sum(tl.unit_qty) TotalItemsBought, sum(tl.unit_qty)/6 
 SixWkAverage, i.item_id,tl.shipdate
   from ns.tinvoice ti
     join ns.transaction_lines tl on ti.transaction_id = 
     join ns.items i on i.item_id = tl.item_id
 where DATEDIFF(day, tl.shipdate, GETDATE() ) > 45
 group by i.item_id,tl.shipdate

select tp.tranid, i.item_id, i.full_name, 
   i.displayname,sum(tl.item_count) -1 AmtOrdered, tl.location_id,  
   it_class.LIST_ITEM_NAME, tp.date_requested Due, v.printoncheckas 
   Vendor, tp.shipment_received ShipmntRecvd, IM.ReorderPnt, 
   IM.PrefStockLvl, IM.OnHandCnt, IM.OnOrderCnt, 
   IM.AvailableCnt,ipp.TotalItemsBought, ipp.SixWkAverage
     from ns.tPurchaseOrder tp
       inner join ns.Transaction_lines tl on tp.transaction_id = 
       join ns.items i on i.item_id = tl.item_id
       left join ns.ITEM_CLASSIFICATION it_class on it_class.list_id 
       left join ns.vendors v on i.vendor_id = v.vendor_id
       left join ns.dw_item_inventory_totals iit on i.item_id = 
       left join ItemMetrics IM on im.item_id = i.item_id
       left join ItemPurchased IPP on ipp.item_id = i.item_id
          where tp.date_requested is not null and tp.location_id = 3 
          and tranid = '14980PO'
       group by i.item_id, tp.date_requested, i.displayname, 
         tl.location_id, i.full_name, it_class.LIST_ITEM_NAME, 
         tp.item_id, v.printoncheckas, tp.tranid, 
         tp.shipment_received, IM.ReorderPnt, IM.PrefStockLvl, 
         IM.OnHandCnt, IM.OnOrderCnt, IM.AvailableCnt, 
         ipp.TotalItemsBought, ipp.SixWkAverage

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

根据ZLK的评论,使用Max(tl.shipdate)并通过逐个语句从分组中删除shipdate,解决了该问题,因为在分组中有shipdate by导致每一行相乘。