g20 <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f")
g30 <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h")
g40 <- c("c","d","e","f","g","h")
g50 <- c("e","f","g","h")
使用R,我如何从四个不同的组中获取这些组合,并(以方案5为例)确保将“ cdef”,“ cedf”,“ cfed”,“ cfde”等都视为同样的结果?
答案 0 :(得分:2)
还创建了所有可能的组合,例如乔恩·斯普林(Jon Spring)的解决方案,但使用了data.table软件包并删除了欺诈申请人。
g20 <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f")
g30 <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h")
g40 <- c("c","d","e","f","g","h")
g50 <- c("e","f","g","h")
scen <- paste0("g", c(30, 30, 20, 20))
allcombi <- do.call(CJ, mget(scen))
setnames(allcombi, paste0("V", 1L:length(allcombi)))
#remove rows with applicants that are repeated in different columns
nodupe <- allcombi[
allcombi[, .I[anyDuplicated(unlist(.SD)) == 0L],
#sort within columns with the same percentage of work
for(cols in split(names(nodupe), scen))
nodupe[, (cols) := sort(.SD), by=seq_len(nodupe[,.N]), .SDcols=cols]
#remove identical combinations
ans <- unique(nodupe)
setnames(ans, scen)[]
g30 g30 g20 g20
1: a b c d
2: a b c e
3: a b c f
4: a b d e
5: a b d f
221: g h c e
222: g h c f
223: g h d e
224: g h d f
225: g h e f
scenarios <- list(c(50,50),
function(scen) {
scen <- paste0("g", scen)
allcombi <- do.call(CJ, mget(scen, envir=.GlobalEnv))
setnames(allcombi, paste0("V", 1L:length(allcombi)))
nodupe <- allcombi[
allcombi[, .I[anyDuplicated(unlist(.SD)) == 0L],
for(cols in split(names(nodupe), scen))
nodupe[, (cols) := sort(.SD), by=seq_len(nodupe[,.N]), .SDcols=cols]
ans <- unique(nodupe)
setnames(ans, scen)[]
g50 g50
1: e f
2: e g
3: e h
4: f g
5: f h
6: g h
g50 g30 g20
1: e a b
2: e a c
3: e a d
4: e a f
5: e b a
128: h g b
129: h g c
130: h g d
131: h g e
132: h g f
g40 g40 g20
1: c d a
2: c d b
3: c d e
4: c d f
5: c e a
6: c e b
7: c e d
8: c e f
9: c f a
10: c f b
11: c f d
12: c f e
13: c g a
14: c g b
15: c g d
16: c g e
17: c g f
18: c h a
19: c h b
20: c h d
21: c h e
22: c h f
23: d e a
24: d e b
25: d e c
26: d e f
27: d f a
28: d f b
29: d f c
30: d f e
31: d g a
32: d g b
33: d g c
34: d g e
35: d g f
36: d h a
37: d h b
38: d h c
39: d h e
40: d h f
41: e f a
42: e f b
43: e f c
44: e f d
45: e g a
46: e g b
47: e g c
48: e g d
49: e g f
50: e h a
51: e h b
52: e h c
53: e h d
54: e h f
55: f g a
56: f g b
57: f g c
58: f g d
59: f g e
60: f h a
61: f h b
62: f h c
63: f h d
64: f h e
65: g h a
66: g h b
67: g h c
68: g h d
69: g h e
70: g h f
g40 g40 g20
g40 g30 g30
1: c a b
2: c a d
3: c a e
4: c a f
5: c a g
122: h d f
123: h d g
124: h e f
125: h e g
126: h f g
g40 g20 g20 g20
1: c a b d
2: c a b e
3: c a b f
4: c a d e
5: c a d f
6: c a e f
7: c b d e
8: c b d f
9: c b e f
10: c d e f
11: d a b c
12: d a b e
13: d a b f
14: d a c e
15: d a c f
16: d a e f
17: d b c e
18: d b c f
19: d b e f
20: d c e f
21: e a b c
22: e a b d
23: e a b f
24: e a c d
25: e a c f
26: e a d f
27: e b c d
28: e b c f
29: e b d f
30: e c d f
31: f a b c
32: f a b d
33: f a b e
34: f a c d
35: f a c e
36: f a d e
37: f b c d
38: f b c e
39: f b d e
40: f c d e
41: g a b c
42: g a b d
43: g a b e
44: g a b f
45: g a c d
46: g a c e
47: g a c f
48: g a d e
49: g a d f
50: g a e f
51: g b c d
52: g b c e
53: g b c f
54: g b d e
55: g b d f
56: g b e f
57: g c d e
58: g c d f
59: g c e f
60: g d e f
61: h a b c
62: h a b d
63: h a b e
64: h a b f
65: h a c d
66: h a c e
67: h a c f
68: h a d e
69: h a d f
70: h a e f
71: h b c d
72: h b c e
73: h b c f
74: h b d e
75: h b d f
76: h b e f
77: h c d e
78: h c d f
79: h c e f
80: h d e f
g40 g20 g20 g20
g30 g30 g20 g20
1: a b c d
2: a b c e
3: a b c f
4: a b d e
5: a b d f
221: g h c e
222: g h c f
223: g h d e
224: g h d f
225: g h e f
答案 1 :(得分:1)
a <- c(0, 20, 30)
b <- c(0, 20, 30)
c <- c(0, 20, 30, 40)
d <- c(0, 20, 30, 40)
e <- c(0, 20, 30, 40, 50)
f <- c(0, 20, 30, 40, 50)
g <- c(0, 30, 40, 50)
h <- c(0, 30, 40, 50)
soln_with_permutations <- expand.grid(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) %>%
# the Applicants come in as Var1, Var2... here, will rename below
as.tibble() %>%
rownames_to_column() %>% # This number tracks each row / potential solution
# gather into long format to make summing simpler
gather(applicant, assignment, -rowname) %>%
# rename Var1 as "a", Var2 as "b", and so on.
mutate(applicant = str_sub(applicant, start = -1) %>% as.integer %>% letters[.]) %>%
group_by(rowname) %>%
# keep only solutions adding to 100%
filter(sum(assignment) == 100) %>%
# keep only solutions involving four or fewer applicants
filter(sum(assignment > 0) <= 4) %>%
soln_distinct_teams <- soln_with_permutations %>%
filter(assignment > 0) %>%
group_by(rowname) %>%
# Get team composition, alphabetical
mutate(team = paste0(applicant, collapse = "")) %>%
# Get allocation structure, descending
arrange(-assignment) %>%
mutate(allocation = paste0(assignment, collapse = "/")) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# Distinct teams / allocations only
distinct(team, allocation) %>%
arrange(allocation, team) %>%
mutate(soln_num = row_number()) %>%
# select(soln_num, team, allocation) %>%
spread(allocation, soln_num)
# A tibble: 132 x 7
team `30/30/20/20` `40/20/20/20` `40/30/30` `40/40/20` `50/30/20` `50/50`
<chr> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1 abc NA NA 126 NA NA NA
2 abcd 1 71 NA NA NA NA
3 abce 2 72 NA NA NA NA
4 abcf 3 73 NA NA NA NA
5 abcg 4 74 NA NA NA NA
6 abch 5 75 NA NA NA NA
7 abd NA NA 127 NA NA NA
8 abde 6 76 NA NA NA NA
9 abdf 7 77 NA NA NA NA
10 abdg 8 78 NA NA NA NA
# ... with 122 more rows
答案 2 :(得分:0)
感谢您对此的所有帮助! chinsoon12的解决方案对我来说是最有用的。如前所述,该解决方案仍返回一些重复项(在40/40/20或40/30/30方案中,它没有删除重复率在该方案中出现两次的重复项)。
# Create 40/40 combos
combs_40 <- t(combn(g40,2))
c40 <- paste0(combs_40[,1],combs_40[,2])
# Create combos of 40/40 and 20
scen <- c("c40","g20")
allcombi <- do.call(CJ, mget(scen, envir=.GlobalEnv))
allcombi <- as.data.frame(allcombi)
# Split into cols
x <- t(as.data.frame(strsplit(allcombi$c40,split="")))
allcombi <- as.data.table(cbind(x[,1],x[,2],allcombi$g20))
setnames(allcombi, paste0("V", 1L:length(allcombi)))
# Remove rows with applicants that are repeated in different columns
nodupe <- allcombi[
allcombi[, .I[anyDuplicated(unlist(.SD)) == 0L],
# Redefine scen
scen <- c("g40","g40","g20")
# Sort within columns with the same percentage of work
for(cols in split(names(nodupe), scen))
nodupe[, (cols) := sort(.SD), by=seq_len(nodupe[,.N]), .SDcols=cols]
# Set names, write results
setnames(nodupe, scen)[]
results_404020 <- nodupe