
时间:2019-01-08 13:11:56

标签: gremlin tinkerpop


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Gremlin Server不提供任何授权功能,仅提供身份验证。您必须自己构建一些东西来处理将用户限制为不同的图(或其他约束)的情况。那将意味着建立两件事:

  1. 用于处理授权的自定义ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter-可能称为AuthorizationHandler
  2. 用于将您的自定义授权者连接到管道的自定义Channelizer实现-可能称为AuthorizingChannelizer


public void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) throws Exception {
    if (msg instanceof RequestMessage){
        RequestMessage requestMessage = (RequestMessage) msg;

        // examine contents of RequestMessage to see what is being requested
        // e.g. the graph - the user information will be there too but 
        // depending on the authentication method you're using you might need
        // to re-decode it at this time as it doesn't appear that the authenticated
        // user is placed on the ChannelHandlerContext for some reason. i made
        // a note to change that as it seems helpful and is a simple enough thing 
        // to do


public void configure(ChannelPipeline pipeline) { 

    // add an instance of your `AuthorizingChannelizer` to the end of the 
    // netty pipeline which will put it after the `AuthenticationHandler`
    // but before all the Gremlin processing/execution
    pipeline.addLast("authorizier", authorizingChannelizer); 

然后,在Gremlin Server配置中,将channelizer设置替换为AuthorizingChannelizer的完全限定名称。假设您将包含该类的jar放在Gremlin Server的路径中,则它应该在启动时创建它的实例。

我将查看现有的“ handler”和“ channelizer”代码,以获取更多有关如何实现此目标的启发。