Migrating existing domain and mailserver to office365

时间:2019-01-07 13:46:03

标签: email migration office365

Given following scenario: - You have the transfercode of a domain - You are already using this domain for several mailboxes using IMAP

I want to migrate all these to office365. But, here is the caviat: Office365 requires me to link my domain before doing the migration.

But, if I do that, then my IP's, MX-records,... are resetted, so my mails won't work anymore?

Or how would one go to migrate the mailboxes in a scenario like that?

I'm aware of imappsync and the build in migration tool of office365, but those all have the same problem (both mailboxes need to exist, but I can only link 1 domain to 1 system)?


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