Why does Intellij code autocomplete in JSF with Primefaces not working?

时间:2019-01-07 13:27:10

标签: jsf intellij-idea java-ee primefaces primefaces-extensions

I have installed intellij IDEA Ultimate Edition latest version and started to test the compatibility of it with primefaces version 6.2. If it could be compatible with primeface we are gonna switch from eclips to intellij. unfortunatly i cann't figure out how to get code autocomplition to work for primefaces. I have done alreaday the following.

  1. created maven project.
  2. added primeface dependency in pom.
  3. Added primeface framework by right clicking on the project and choosing Add framework support....

Does any one know how to fix this issue?

Does anyone know the best IDEA for working with primeface?

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我建议您看一下NetBeans。它与Java EE的新实现(以及不久之后的Jakarta EE)一起不断开发,因此是JavaEE开发的首选IDE环境。一切都开箱即用。

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  1. 通过右键单击项目并选择“添加框架支持...”来添加primeface框架。
  2. File | Project Structure | Modules - module - JSF facet Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S到我的Web模块中添加了JSF构面
  3. 重新启动intellij IDEA