Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'The Using block ensures that your database objects are closed and disposed
'even if there is an error
Dim dt As New DataTable
Using cn As New MySqlConnection("Your connection string")
'Pass the Select statement and the connection to the constructor of the command
Using cmd As New MySqlCommand("Select name from table1 where dateofentry between @Date1 AND @Date2;", cn)
'Use parameters
cmd.Parameters.Add("@Date1", MySqlDbType.Date).Value = DateTimePicker1.Value
cmd.Parameters.Add("@Date2", MySqlDbType.Date).Value = DateTimePicker2.Value
'open the connection at the last possible moment
'Execute scalar only returns the first row, first column of the result set
End Using
End Using
'Then a little link magic to dump the first column of the table
'to an array
Dim names() = (From row In dt.AsEnumerable()
Select row(0)).ToArray
'If there are less than 5 records returned this
'code will fail, Add a check for this and
'adjest your code accordingly
TextBox1.Text = names(0).ToString
TextBox2.Text = names(1).ToString
TextBox3.Text = names(2).ToString
TextBox4.Text = names(3).ToString
TextBox5.Text = names(4).ToString
End Sub
节点的持久性已打开。在ubuntu 16.04服务器版本上使用EXT4文件系统。