我有一个字符串“ -3 + 4-1-1 +1 + 12-5 + 6”,我想找到该方程的解。并保护其免受有害字符(例如abc或#)的侵害。
object Main extends App {
val numberString = "-3 + 4 - 1 + 1 + 12 - 5 + 6";
val abc: List[String] = numberString.split("\\s+").toList
var temp = abc.head.toInt
for (i <- 0 until abc.length) {
abc(i) match {
case "+" => temp += abc(i+1).toInt
case "-" => temp -= abc(i+1).toInt
case x if -100 to 100 contains x.toInt=> println("im a number ")
case _ => throw new Exception("wrong opperator")
时输出numberString = "-3 + 4 # - 1 + 1 + 12 - abc 5 + 6";
Exception in thread "main" im a number
im a number
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "#"
答案 0 :(得分:3)
您只需要在每个运算符("-", "+")
object Solution extends App {
val numberString = "- 3 + 4 - 1 + 1 + 12 - 5 + 6"
val abc: List[String] = numberString.split("\\s+").toList
var temp = 0
for (i <- abc.indices) {
abc(i) match {
case "+" => temp += abc(i + 1).toInt
case "-" => temp -= abc(i + 1).toInt
case x if x.forall(_.isDigit) => println("im a number ")
case _ => throw new Exception("wrong opperator")
答案 1 :(得分:1)
val num = """(\d+)""".r // Regex to parse numbers
def compute(in: List[String], result: Int = 0): Int = in match {
case Nil => result
case "+" :: num(x) :: tail => compute(tail, result + num.toInt)
case "-" :: num(x) :: tail => compute(tail, result - num.toInt)
case ("+"|"-") :: x :: _ => throw new Exception(s"Bad number $x")
case x :: Nil => throw new Exception(s"Invalid syntax: operator expected, but $x found.")
case op :: _ => throw new Exception(s"Invalid operator $op")
答案 2 :(得分:1)
val num = """(\d+)""".r // Regex to parse numbers
def compute(in: List[String], result: Int = 0): Int = in match {
case Nil => result
case "+" :: num(x) :: tail => compute(tail, result + x.toInt)
case "-" :: num(x) :: tail => compute(tail, result - x.toInt)
case ("+" | "-") :: x :: _ => throw new Exception(s"Bad number $x")
case x :: Nil => throw new Exception(s"Invalid syntax: operator expected, but $x found.")
case op :: _ => throw new Exception(s"Invalid operator $op")