我在Cloud Functions日志中收到以下错误消息:
超出配额组“ FunctionCallsNonbillable”的配额,并限制了“ CLIENT_PROJECT-100s”
// Imports for thumbnail generating
import sharp from "sharp"
import path from "path"
import os from "os"
import fs from "fs"
import { database, storage } from "./firebase"
const sizes = [640, 1024, 1440]
export const generateThumbnail = async object => {
const {name: filePath, contentType} = object
const fileName = path.basename(filePath)
// Exit if not an image
if (!contentType.startsWith("image/")) return console.log("✖ Not an image.")
// Exit if the image is already a resized one.
if (fileName.includes("thumb_")) return console.log("✖ Already processed image.")
const bucket = storage.bucket(object.bucket)
// Create paths
const destination = path.dirname(filePath)
const tempDir = os.tmpdir()
const tempFile = path.join(tempDir, fileName)
const thumbFileNames = sizes.map(size => `thumb_${size}_${fileName}`)
const tempThumbFiles = thumbFileNames.map(thumbFileName => path.join(tempDir, thumbFileName))
const thumbFiles = thumbFileNames.map(thumbFileName => path.join(destination, thumbFileName))
// Download file from bucket.
await bucket.file(filePath).download({destination: tempFile})
console.log("Image downloaded locally to", tempFile)
// Generate thumbnails using Sharp.
await Promise.all(
tempThumbFiles.map((tempThumbFile, index) =>
console.log("Thumbnails created. Now uploading...")
// Uploading the thumbnails.
await Promise.all(
.map((thumbFile, index) =>
bucket.upload(tempThumbFiles[index], {
destination: thumbFile,
metadata: {contentType}
// Once the thumbnails has been uploaded delete the local files to free up disk space.
tempThumbFiles.forEach(tempThumbFile => fs.unlinkSync(tempThumbFile))
// Now get the URLs of the uploaded images, both the original's and the thumbnails'.
const config = {action: "read", expires: "03-01-2500"}
const [[original], ...thumbnails] = await Promise.all([
.map(thumbFile =>
// And add the URLs to the database.
const pictures = {fileName, SIZE_ORIGINAL: original}
thumbnails.forEach(([thumbnail], index) => {
pictures[`SIZE_${sizes[index]}`] = thumbnail
await database.ref(destination).push(pictures)
return console.log(`urls are pushed to the database at ${destination}.`)
* Delete a picture and its corresponding thumbnails
* @param {DataSnapshot} snap contains the deleted files' names
* @param {string} context.params.galleryId the location where the pictures were deleted from
* @param {string} [context.params.roomId] the id of the room where the pictures were deleted from
export const deletePictures = async (snap, {params: {galleryId, roomId}}) => {
const {fileName} = snap.val()
let baseURL
if (galleryId) {
baseURL = `galleries/${galleryId}`
} else {
if (roomId) {
baseURL = `galleries/szobak/${roomId}`
} else {
return console.log("Exiting...")
console.log("Image deletion detected in the database, deleting images from the Storage...")
const files = [`${baseURL}/${fileName}`]
sizes.forEach(size => {files.push(`${baseURL}/thumb_${size}_${fileName}`)})
files.forEach(async file => {await storage.bucket().file(file).delete()})
return console.log(`All versions of ${fileName} are now deleted.`)