
时间:2019-01-06 05:20:35

标签: css

我在GitHub上找不到它。模式在哪里生活和成长?我发现至少有10多个版本,其中包括:Click to see an Image

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

select count(vocab_id), vocab_match, player_response, player_response_target, response_id from ( select v.id as vocab_id, vocabulary as vocab_match, sq.id as response_id, sq.amatch as response_match, sq.player_response, sq.player_response_target, sq.dialog, sq.dialog_target from vocabulary_es v right join ( select trim((regexp_matches(a.player_response_target, '\[t-(.*?)\]', 'g'))[1]) as amatch, a.id, a.player_response, a.player_response_target, a.dialog, a.dialog_target, a.event_type from ( select drena.event_type, r.id, r.player_response, r.player_response_target, d.dialog, d.dialog_target from dialogresponses dr left join responses r on (r.id = dr.response_id) left join dialogs d on (d.id = dr.dialog_id) left join dialogresponses_eventsnpcs_all drena on (drena.dialogresponse_id = dr.id) where dr.locale_id = 1 and dr.response_id IS NOT NULL and drena.event_type = 'Battle' ) as a order by a.id asc ) as sq on (trim(v.vocabulary) ilike trim(sq.amatch)) where v.vocabulary IS NOT NULL ) as final group by vocab_id, vocab_match, player_response, player_response_target, response_id order by response_id asc; 及其属性是记录的CSS 模式,而不是任何单个来源维护的项目。您可以在2011年snook.ca article中将其引用为.visually-hidden,在2015年The A11Y Project article中将其引用为.element-invisible,并在HTML5 Boilderplate项目here中将其引用为.visually-hidden


每个引用之间的确切语法和格式略有不同,但是属性几乎相同,除了一些细微的差别,例如H5BP项目删除了对Internet Explorer的支持。
