
时间:2019-01-04 18:24:28

标签: arrays excel vba



        If k > 0 Then
            If arrA(k) = arrA(k - 1) Then
                arrA(k) = ""
                k = k - 1
            End If
        End If

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


就本领域而言,我通过重复过滤演示了一种方法(即不使用字典或集合-您会在SO:-上找到许多 dict / coll 示例):


此示例假定要检查字符串值是否重复(在重复过滤中以区分大小写的方式使用大小写敏感-参见vbBinaryCompare函数中的参数Filter)并匹配当前索引位置({{ 1}})。


Debug.Print结果,如 Visual Basic编辑器(VBE)

Option Explicit                     ' declaration head of code module
Sub DupEx()
' Purpose: delete subsequent string duplicates in array
' Method:  repeated filter function using match to get index position
' Site:    https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54044235/vba-is-there-a-way-to-check-if-a-value-is-equal-to-any-value-inside-array
' Author:  T.M. (https://stackoverflow.com/users/6460297/t-m)
  Dim arrA(), i&, idx&, flt, searched
' example string values (change to wanted values)
  arrA = Array("zero", "one", "two", "two", "three", "two", "four", "zero", "four", "three", "five", "five")
  flt = arrA
  Debug.Print "Original array counts " & UBound(flt) + 1 & " elements: " & Chr(34) & Join(flt, ", ") & Chr(34)
  For i = LBound(arrA) To UBound(arrA)
      searched = arrA(i)                                      ' define search term
      If UBound(Filter(flt, searched, True, vbBinaryCompare)) > 0 Then
         '[1] change first occurrence of search term to temporary dummy (to avoid later deletion)
          On Error Resume Next
          idx = Application.Match(searched, flt, False) - 1    ' deduct 1 as match result is one based
          flt(idx) = ChrW(&H2999)                              ' change to temporary dummy value
         '[2] execute filter (3rd argument=False DELETES each subsequent search value in flt array)
         '    [Caveat: this example deletes partial string findings as well !]
          flt = Filter(flt, searched, False, vbBinaryCompare)
         '[3] restore first occurrence back to old value
          flt(idx) = searched
      End If
  Next i
  Debug.Print "Filtered array counts " & UBound(flt) + 1 & " elements: " & Chr(34) & Join(flt, ", ") & Chr(34)
  'arrA = flt                                                   ' overwrite original array
End Sub