Notebook = Eingang (2000Notes)
因为处理(即导入到Onenote)经常失败,导致ENEX文件中的注释太多或太大。 也许有一些脚本或其他任何可行的方法。仅手工导出是不正确的方法,因为我的笔记本中装有14k +笔记。 我希望我的意图已经明确。 预先感谢您的帮助。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
tell application "Evernote"
# Set batch size, notebook to export, and destination path
set batchSize to 500
set theNotebookName to "MyNotebook"
set theExportFolder to "/tmp"
# Enumerate the notes into batches and export them
set theNotebook to the first notebook whose name is theNotebookName
set theNotes to the notes in theNotebook
set currentBatchIndex to 0
set currentNoteIndex to 1
repeat until currentNoteIndex = (count of theNotes)
# Collect up to batchSize notes
set thisExportBatch to {}
repeat until ((count of thisExportBatch) = batchSize or (currentNoteIndex = (count of theNotes)))
set currentItem to theNotes's item currentNoteIndex
set thisExportBatch to thisExportBatch & {currentItem}
set currentNoteIndex to currentNoteIndex + 1
end repeat
# Export this batch. Set the destination path to where you want them.
set exportPath to (theExportFolder & "/" & theNotebookName & currentBatchIndex & ".enex")
export thisExportBatch to exportPath
set currentBatchIndex to (currentBatchIndex + 1)
end repeat
end tell