
时间:2019-01-04 03:29:14

标签: r ggplot2 data-visualization confidence-interval forestplot


print (dfA)
  month  chicken  turkey
0    1a       10       1
1    1b       20       2
2    1c       30       3
3    2a       11     101
4    2b       22     202
5    2c       33     303


which yields the following:

我尝试过library('ggplot2') blee = rnorm(14) blarg = rnorm(14) bloo = (letters[1:14]) low = blee - 1.96 * blarg up = blee + 1.96 * blarg knobs = (rep(LETTERS[1:2],7)) df <- data.frame(blee, blarg, bloo, low, up, knobs) p1 <- ggplot(data = df, aes(x = reorder(bloo, blee), y = blee, ymin = low, ymax = up)) geom_pointrange() + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, lty = 2) + coord_flip() + xlab('label') + ylab(NULL) + theme_bw() + scale_y_discrete(limits = c(-5, 5)) + facet_grid(knobs ~ ., scales = 'free', space = 'free') ,但是我为所有值生成文本,即使是不属于其各自网格的值也是如此。我该如何补救?我正在尝试在每个标签的文本中显示置信区间。


An image of what is yielded when I try to annotate.

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