
时间:2019-01-04 01:18:57

标签: postgresql


我知道命令SHOW data_directory。具体来说,我在位置data/postgres中设置了一个集群。当我连接到该集群并在其中创建数据库时,SHOW data_directory返回以下结果:

yql@ubuntu1804:/data/postgresdb$ sudo -u postgres psql -p 5433
psql (10.6 (Ubuntu 10.6-0ubuntu0.18.04.1))
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \c sample
You are now connected to database "sample" as user "postgres".
sample=# show data_directory;
(1 row)


                 List of relations
 Schema |           Name           | Type  |  Owner   
 citydb | address                  | table | postgres
 citydb | address_to_bridge        | table | postgres
 citydb | address_to_building      | table | postgres
 citydb | ade                      | table | postgres
 citydb | aggregation_info         | table | postgres
 citydb | appear_to_surface_data   | table | postgres
 citydb | appearance               | table | postgres
 citydb | breakline_relief         | table | postgres
 citydb | bridge                   | table | postgres
 citydb | bridge_constr_element    | table | postgres
 citydb | bridge_furniture         | table | postgres
 citydb | bridge_installation      | table | postgres
 citydb | bridge_open_to_them_srf  | table | postgres
 citydb | bridge_opening           | table | postgres
 citydb | bridge_room              | table | postgres
 citydb | bridge_thematic_surface  | table | postgres
 citydb | building                 | table | postgres
 citydb | building_furniture       | table | postgres
 citydb | building_installation    | table | postgres
 citydb | city_furniture           | table | postgres
 citydb | citymodel                | table | postgres
 citydb | cityobject               | table | postgres
 citydb | cityobject_genericattrib | table | postgres
 citydb | cityobject_member        | table | postgres
 citydb | cityobjectgroup          | table | postgres
 citydb | database_srs             | table | postgres
 citydb | external_reference       | table | postgres
 citydb | generalization           | table | postgres
 citydb | generic_cityobject       | table | postgres
 citydb | grid_coverage            | table | postgres
 citydb | group_to_cityobject      | table | postgres
 citydb | implicit_geometry        | table | postgres
 citydb | index_table              | table | postgres
 citydb | land_use                 | table | postgres
 citydb | masspoint_relief         | table | postgres
 citydb | objectclass              | table | postgres
 citydb | opening                  | table | postgres



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