"Description":"Starter Kit! (Raptor and Pteradon)",
"Description":"House Kit! (Wood)",
"Description":"Survival Kit(Sword, Pickaxe, and Hatchet",
"Description":"Metal Ingot (100x)",
"Description":"Area For Your Dinos!",
"Rock Drake":{
"Description":"Gives a Tamed Rock Drake",
"Description":"Gives a Tamed Rex",
"Description":"Gives a Snail",
"Description":"Gives a Allosaurus",
"Description":"Gives a Ankylo",
"Description":"Gives a Argentavis",
"Description":"Gives a Araneo",
"Description":"Gives a Arthropluera",
"Description":"Gives a Baryonyx",
"Description":"Gives a Beaver",
"Description":"Gives a Pig",
"Description":"Gives a Disappointment",
"Description":"Gives a Doedicurus",
"Description":"Gives a Bronto",
"Description":"Gives a Carno",
"Description":"Gives a Giant Bee",
"Description":"Gives a Giga",
"Description":"Gives a Pteranodon",
"Description":"Gives a Quetzale",
"Description":"Gives a T-Rex",
"Description":"Gives a Spino",
"Description":"Gives a Stego",
"Description":"Gives a Tapejara",
"Description":"Gives a Therizinosaur",
"Description":"Gives a Titanosaur",
"Description":"Gives a Yutyrannus",
"Description":"Gives a Phoenix",
"Description":"1000 points of experience and works on dinos",
"Description":"Engram TEK Boots & Gloves",
"Description":"All engrams",
"Description":"100x metal",
"BoughtItem":"<RichColor Color=\"0, 1, 0, 1\">You have successfully bought item</>",
"BoughtDino":"<RichColor Color=\"0, 1, 0, 1\">You have successfully bought dino</>",
"BoughtBeacon":"<RichColor Color=\"0, 1, 0, 1\">You have successfully bought beacon</>",
"BoughtExp":"<RichColor Color=\"0, 1, 0, 1\">You have successfully bought experience</>",
"ReceivedPoints":"<RichColor Color=\"1, 1, 0, 1\">You have received {0} points! (total: {1})</>",
"HavePoints":"You have {0} points",
"NoPoints":"<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">You don't have enough points</>",
"WrongId":"<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">Wrong id</>",
"NoPermissionsKit":"<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">You don't have permission to use this kit</>",
"CantBuyKit":"<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">You can't buy this kit</>",
"BoughtKit":"<RichColor Color=\"0, 1, 0, 1\">You have successfully bought {0} kit</>",
"AvailableKits":"Available kits for you:",
"NoKits":"No available kits",
"KitsLeft":"You have {0} {1} kits left",
"NoKitsLeft":"You don't have {0} kits left",
"CantGivePoints":"<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">You can't give points to yourself</>",
"RidingDino":"<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">You can't buy this item while riding a dino</>",
"SentPoints":"<RichColor Color=\"0, 1, 0, 1\">You have successfully sent {0} points to {1}</>",
"GotPoints":"You have received {0} points from {1}",
"NoPlayer":"<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">Player doesn't exist</>",
"FoundMorePlayers":"<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">Found more than one player with the given name</>",
"BuyUsage":"Usage: /buy id amount",
"ShopUsage":"Usage: /shop page",
"KitUsage":"Usage: /kit KitName",
"BuyKitUsage":"Usage: /BuyKit KitName amount",
"TradeUsage":"Usage: /trade 'Player Name' amount",
"SellUsage":"Usage: /sell id amount",
"NotEnoughItems":"<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">You don't have enough items ({0}/{1})</>",
"SoldItems":"<RichColor Color=\"0, 1, 0, 1\">You have successfully sold items</>",
"BadLevel":"<RichColor Color=\"1, 0, 0, 1\">Required level: {0} - {1}</>",
"KitsListPrice":"Price: {0}",
"KitsListFormat":"\"{0}\" - {1}. {2} left. {3}\n",
"StoreListDino":"{0}) {1}. Level: {2}. Id: {3}. Price: {4}\n",
"StoreListItem":"{0}) {1}. Id: {2}. Price: {3}\n",
"OnlyOnSpawnKit":"This kit can be used only on spawn"
[arkshop] [错误] [json.exception.parse_error.101]在5157处解析错误:语法错误-意外的'{';预期的'}'
请问有关如何修复它的帮助,这是针对ark服务器点系统的。我确定我做错了什么,只是想不通。我去了一个网站,它指出我在第一行中遇到了一个错误问题,因此我猜测它只是没有正确关闭在需要的位置。我希望这是唯一的问题,因为我是使用c ++代码的新手。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
public class FBag<E> implements Iterable<E> {
public static final FBag EMPTY = new FBag<>(null, null);
private final FBag<E> next;
private final E val;
private FBag(E val, FBag<E> next) {
this.val = val;
this.next = next;
public FBag<E> add(E val) {
return new FBag<>(val, this);
public Iterator<E> iterator() {
return new Iter<>(this);
public static FBag make(Collection c) {
var p = EMPTY;
for (var a : c) {
p = p.add(a);
return p;
public static FBag make(Object[] c, int from, int to) {
var p = EMPTY;
for (var i = from; i < to; i++) {
p = p.add(c[i]);
return p;
public FBag<E> remove(E val) {
if (this == EMPTY) {
return this;
if (this.val == val) {
return next;
return new FBag<>(this.val, next.remove(val));
private static class Iter<E1> implements Iterator {
private FBag<E1> p;
Iter(FBag<E1> p) {
this.p = p;
public boolean hasNext() {
return p != EMPTY;
public Object next() {
assert p != EMPTY;
var r = p.val;
p = p.next;
return r;
(在第363行),->如果要将"GiveToDino": True