
时间:2018-12-28 23:32:43

标签: python-3.x tensorflow



  • 可能是每次喂相同批次的问题。我认为这不是问题,因为我是在第10个时期之后才打印出来的。这样我就可以提供不同批次的数据。

  • 这可能是LSTM网络复杂度较低的原因。但是,我相信这不会成为问题,因为由于优化,训练阶段应该随时间而有所改善。

  • 由于损失和准确度都在某个值附近,因此我可能会计算它们或错误地打印它们,尽管没有在代码中出现错误,但还是导致了这个值。

  • 我认为此问题是由于我的代码中有一些错别字或误解造成的,因为在其他情况下,我会发现损失和准确性都会增加或减少,即使没有恒定模式,但不是这种方式。

  • 最后,如果我所有的代码都安排好了,我认为该值可能是由于错误的超参数设置造成的。 我接下来的步骤可能是增加LSTM网络的复杂性,降低学习率并增加批次大小。





'''All the data is numeric. The dataset is scaled using the StandardScaler from scikit-learn and in the following shapes:'''

#The 3D xt array has a shape of: (11, 69579, 74)
#The 3D xval array has a shape of: (11, 7732, 74)

#y shape is: (69579, 3)
#yval shape is: (7732, 3)

N_TIMESTEPS_X = xt.shape[0] ## The stack number
#N_OBSERVATIONS = xt.shape[1]
N_FEATURES = xt.shape[2]
N_OUTPUTS = yt.shape[1]
N_NEURONS_LSTM = 128 ## Number of units in the LSTMCell 
N_EPOCHS = 600

### Define the placeholders anda gather the data.
xt = xt.transpose([1,0,2])
xval = xval.transpose([1,0,2])

train_data = (xt, yt)
validation_data = (xval, yval)

## We define the placeholders as a trick so that we do not break into memory problems, associated with feeding the data directly.

'''As an alternative, you can define the Dataset in terms of tf.placeholder() tensors, and feed the NumPy arrays when you initialize an Iterator over the dataset.'''

batch_size = tf.placeholder(tf.int64)

x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, N_TIMESTEPS_X, N_FEATURES], name='XPlaceholder')

y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, N_OUTPUTS], name='YPlaceholder')

# Creating the two different dataset objects.

train_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((x,y)).batch(BATCH_SIZE).repeat()

val_dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((x,y)).batch(BATCH_SIZE)

# Creating the Iterator type that permits to switch between datasets.

itr = tf.data.Iterator.from_structure(train_dataset.output_types, train_dataset.output_shapes)
train_init_op = itr.make_initializer(train_dataset)
validation_init_op = itr.make_initializer(val_dataset)

next_features, next_labels = itr.get_next()

### Create the graph 

cellType = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell(num_units=N_NEURONS_LSTM, name='LSTMCell')

inputs = tf.unstack(next_features, axis=1)

'''inputs: A length T list of inputs, each a Tensor of shape [batch_size, input_size]'''

RNNOutputs, _ = tf.nn.static_rnn(cell=cellType, inputs=inputs, dtype=tf.float32)

out_weights = tf.get_variable("out_weights", shape=[N_NEURONS_LSTM, N_OUTPUTS], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer())
out_bias = tf.get_variable("out_bias", shape=[N_OUTPUTS], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=tf.zeros_initializer())

predictionsLayer = tf.matmul(RNNOutputs[-1], out_weights) + out_bias

### Define the cost function, that will be optimized by the optimizer. 

cost = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(logits=predictionsLayer, labels=next_labels, name='Softmax_plus_Cross_Entropy'))

optimizer_type = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=LEARNING_RATE, name='AdamOptimizer')

optimizer = optimizer_type.minimize(cost)

### Model evaluation 

correctPrediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(predictionsLayer,1), tf.argmax(next_labels,1))

accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correctPrediction,tf.float32))

N_BATCHES = train_data[0].shape[0] // BATCH_SIZE

## Saving variables so that we can restore them afterwards.

saver = tf.train.Saver()

save_dir = '/home/zmlaptop/Desktop/tfModels/{}_{}'.format(cellType.__class__.__name__, datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))

varDict = {'nTimeSteps':N_TIMESTEPS_X, 'BatchSize': BATCH_SIZE, 'nFeatures':N_FEATURES,
           'nNeuronsLSTM':N_NEURONS_LSTM, 'nEpochs':N_EPOCHS,
           'learningRate':LEARNING_RATE, 'optimizerType': optimizer_type.__class__.__name__}

varDicSavingTxt = save_dir + '/varDict.txt'
modelFilesDir = save_dir + '/modelFiles'

logDir = save_dir + '/TBoardLogs'

acc_summary = tf.summary.scalar('Accuracy', accuracy)
loss_summary = tf.summary.scalar('Cost_CrossEntropy', cost)
summary_merged = tf.summary.merge_all()

with open(varDicSavingTxt, 'w') as outfile:

with tf.Session() as sess:

    train_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(logDir + '/train', sess.graph)
    validation_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(logDir + '/validation')

    # initialise iterator with train data

    sess.run(train_init_op, feed_dict = {x : train_data[0], y: train_data[1], batch_size: BATCH_SIZE})

    print('¡Training starts!')
    for epoch in range(N_EPOCHS):

        batchAccList = []
        tot_loss = 0

        for batch in range(N_BATCHES):

            optimizer_output, loss_value, summary, accBatch = sess.run([optimizer, cost, summary_merged, accuracy], feed_dict = {x: train_data[0], y: train_data[1], batch_size: BATCH_SIZE})
            tot_loss += loss_value

            if batch % 10 == 0:

                train_writer.add_summary(summary, batch)

        epochAcc = tf.reduce_mean(batchAccList)
        epochAcc_num = sess.run(epochAcc, feed_dict = {x: train_data[0], y: train_data[1], batch_size: BATCH_SIZE})

        if epoch%10 == 0:

            print("Epoch: {}, Loss: {:.4f}, Accuracy: {}".format(epoch, tot_loss / N_BATCHES, epochAcc_num))

    # initialise iterator with validation data

    sess.run(validation_init_op, feed_dict = {x: validation_data[0], y: validation_data[1], batch_size:len(validation_data[0])})

    valLoss, valAcc = sess.run([cost, accuracy], feed_dict = {x: train_data[0], y: train_data[1], batch_size: BATCH_SIZE})
    print('Validation Loss: {:4f}, Validation Accuracy: {}'.format(valLoss, valAcc))

    summary_val = sess.run(summary_merged, feed_dict = {x: validation_data[0], y: validation_data[1], batch_size: len(validation_data[0])})


    saver.save(sess, modelFilesDir)


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