我的项目包含一个计算器,该计算器能够保存结果,并允许用户根据需要将其导出为PDF文件。 现在,问题是,我想根据结果在PDF文件中展示图像:如果结果为M1,则显示链接到M1的图像,依此类推。 有什么办法吗?
我正在使用PHP,MYSQL数据库保存结果和输入以及fPDF。任何帮助将不胜感激。 谢谢。
function Header(){
global $first;
global $second;
global $userinput;
global $client;
global $project;
global $obs;
global $vao;
global $perfil;
global $valuep; //this is the final result that needs to be linked to an image
global $lastname;
global $firstname;
global $lastname;
global $email;
global $address;
global $country;
global $state;
global $phone;
global $date;
// Select Arial bold 15
$this->Cell(22 ,5,'Name: ' . $firstname, '' .$lastname,0,0);
$this->Cell(20 ,5,'Email: ' . $email,0,1);
$this->Cell(20 ,5,'Phone: ' . $phone,0,1);
$this->Cell(20 ,5,'Website: ' . $state,0,1);
$this->Cell(25 ,5,"Project Name: " . $project ,0,1);
$this->Cell(24.5,5,'Client: ' .$client,1,0);
$this->Cell(25,5,'Date: ' . $date,0,1);
$this->Cell(0 ,5,'',0,1);
$this->Cell(0 ,5,'',0,1);
$this->Cell(85 ,5,'Inputs ',0,0);
$this->Cell(25 ,5,'Span Details ',0,1);
$this->Cell(0 ,5,'',0,1);
$this->Cell(0 ,5,'',0,1);
$this->Cell(25 ,5,'Name of Span: ' . $vao,0,0);
$this->Cell(0 ,5,'',0,1);
$this->Cell(0 ,5,'',0,1);
$this->Cell(85 ,5,'Wind Action: ' .$perfil . '' . $userinput . ' kN/m2]',0,0);
$this->Cell(30 ,5,'Height: ' . $first . ' m',0,0);
$this->Cell(30 ,5,'Width: ' . $second . ' m',0,1);
$this->Cell(0 ,5,'',0,1);
$this->Cell(0 ,5,'',0,1);
$this->Cell(25 ,5,'Solution ',0,1);
$this->Cell(0 ,5,'',0,1);
$this->Cell(0 ,5,'',0,1);
$this->Cell(25 ,5,'Final result: ' . $valuep,0,1); //image here next to the text
$this->Cell(0 ,5,'',0,1);
$this->Cell(0 ,5,'',0,1);
$this->Cell(0 ,5,'',0,1);
$this->Cell(0 ,5,'',0,1);
$this->Cell(25 ,5,'Observations: ',0,1);
function Footer(){
// Go to 1.5 cm from bottom
// Select Arial italic 8
// Print centered page number
$this->Cell(0,10,'Page '.$this->PageNo(),0,0,'C');
$this->Cell(25,5,"Vestibulum placerat lorem venenatis nulla tempor maximus a ut elit.",0,0,'R');
} }
$pdf = new PDF('P','mm','A4'); $pdf->AliasNbPages('{pages}');
$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true,5); $pdf->AddPage();
$pdf->SetFont('Raleway-Regular','',10); $text=str_repeat('' .$obs,1); $pdf->Write(5,$text); $pdf->SetDrawColor(255,255,255);
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