我想在应用程序中加载IFlashDX include。我下载了它,将.h和.inl文件放在需要的位置,但是下面出现的错误。可能与其库有关,但是我实际上不知道如何解决该问题以及在此IDE中从何处提取库,因此,如果有人可以帮助我,我将不胜感激。
我尝试将库放在.exe和.apk文件所在的文件夹中。 还尝试将其放到RAD Studio的lib文件夹中,但可能放错了。
#ifndef Unit1H
#define Unit1H
#include <System.Classes.hpp>
#include <FMX.Controls.hpp>
#include <FMX.Controls.Presentation.hpp>
#include <FMX.Edit.hpp>
#include <FMX.StdCtrls.hpp>
#include <FMX.Types.hpp>
#include <FMX.WebBrowser.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <FMX.Controls.hpp>
#include <FMX.Forms.hpp>
#include <FMX.Controls.Presentation.hpp>
#include <FMX.StdCtrls.hpp>
#include <FMX.Types.hpp>
#include <FMX.WebBrowser.hpp>
#include <FMX.Edit.hpp>
#include <FMX.Media.hpp>
#include "IFlashDX.h"
#include "ASInterface.h"
class TForm1 : public TForm
__published: // IDE-managed Components
TButton *Button1;
TEdit *Edit1;
TWebBrowser *WebBrowser1;
TLabel *Label1;
void __fastcall Button1Click(TObject *Sender);
private: // User declarations
public: // User declarations
__fastcall TForm1(TComponent* Owner);
extern PACKAGE TForm1 *Form1;
[bccaarm Error] IFlashDX.h(167): unknown type name 'COLORREF'
[bccaarm Error] IFlashDX.h(174): unknown type name 'COLORREF'
[bccaarm Error] IFlashDX.h(311): unknown type name 'HDC'
[bccaarm Error] IFlashDX.h(351): unknown type name 'UINT_PTR'
[bccaarm Error] IFlashDX.h(351): unknown type name 'LONG_PTR'
[bccaarm Error] IFlashDX.h(357): unknown type name 'UINT_PTR'
[bccaarm Error] IFlashDX.h(357): unknown type name 'LONG_PTR'
[bccaarm Error] ASInterface.inl(137): use of undeclared identifier '_isnan'
[bccaarm Error] ASInterface.inl(155): use of undeclared identifier 'swscanf_s'
[bccaarm Error] ASInterface.inl(166): use of undeclared identifier '_isnan'
[bccaarm Error] ASInterface.inl(171): use of undeclared identifier '_isnan'
[bccaarm Error] ASInterface.inl(188): ambiguous conversion for C-style cast from 'value_type' (aka 'ASValue') to 'String' (aka 'basic_string<wchar_t>')
basic_string.h(448): candidate constructor
basic_string.h(455): candidate constructor
basic_string.h(490): candidate constructor
basic_string.h(507): candidate constructor
basic_string.h(522): candidate constructor
[bccaarm Error] ASInterface.inl(197): use of undeclared identifier 'assert'
[bccaarm Error] ASInterface.inl(202): use of undeclared identifier 'assert'
[bccaarm Error] ASInterface.inl(208): use of undeclared identifier 'assert'
[bccaarm Error] ASInterface.inl(364): use of undeclared identifier 'swscanf_s'
[bccaarm Error] ASInterface.inl(367): overload resolution selected implicitly-deleted copy assignment operator
ASInterface.h(114): copy assignment operator of 0 is implicitly deleted because field 'ASValue' is of 'ASValue::_Data &' type 'm_data'
[bccaarm Error] ASInterface.inl(382): overload resolution selected implicitly-deleted copy assignment operator
ASInterface.h(114): copy assignment operator of 0 is implicitly deleted because field 'ASValue' is of 'ASValue::_Data &' type 'm_data'
[bccaarm Warning] ASInterface.inl(407): explicit specialization of 'Ret' within class scope is a Microsoft extension
[bccaarm Warning] ASInterface.inl(419): explicit specialization of 'Ret' within class scope is a Microsoft extension
[bccaarm Warning] ASInterface.inl(431): explicit specialization of 'Ret' within class scope is a Microsoft extension
[bccaarm Warning] ASInterface.inl(443): explicit specialization of 'Ret' within class scope is a Microsoft extension
[bccaarm Warning] ASInterface.inl(455): explicit specialization of 'Ret' within class scope is a Microsoft extension
[bccaarm Warning] ASInterface.inl(467): explicit specialization of 'Ret' within class scope is a Microsoft extension
[bccaarm Warning] ASInterface.inl(479): explicit specialization of 'Ret' within class scope is a Microsoft extension
[bccaarm Warning] ASInterface.inl(491): explicit specialization of 'Ret' within class scope is a Microsoft extension
[bccaarm Warning] ASInterface.inl(503): explicit specialization of 'Ret' within class scope is a Microsoft extension
[bccaarm Warning] ASInterface.inl(515): explicit specialization of 'Ret' within class scope is a Microsoft extension
[bccaarm Warning] ASInterface.inl(527): explicit specialization of 'Ret' within class scope is a Microsoft extension
[bccaarm Warning] ASInterface.inl(541): explicit specialization of 'Ret' within class scope is a Microsoft extension
[bccaarm Warning] ASInterface.inl(553): explicit specialization of 'Ret' within class scope is a Microsoft extension
[bccaarm Warning] ASInterface.inl(565): explicit specialization of 'Ret' within class scope is a Microsoft extension
[bccaarm Warning] ASInterface.inl(577): explicit specialization of 'Ret' within class scope is a Microsoft extension
[bccaarm Warning] ASInterface.inl(589): explicit specialization of 'Ret' within class scope is a Microsoft extension
[bccaarm Warning] ASInterface.inl(601): explicit specialization of 'Ret' within class scope is a Microsoft extension
[bccaarm Warning] ASInterface.inl(613): explicit specialization of 'Ret' within class scope is a Microsoft extension
[bccaarm Warning] ASInterface.inl(625): explicit specialization of 'Ret' within class scope is a Microsoft extension
[bccaarm Warning] ASInterface.inl(637): explicit specialization of 'Ret' within class scope is a Microsoft extension
[bccaarm Warning] ASInterface.inl(649): explicit specialization of 'Ret' within class scope is a Microsoft extension
[bccaarm Warning] ASInterface.inl(661): explicit specialization of 'Ret' within class scope is a Microsoft extension
[bccaarm Warning] ASInterface.inl(709): delete called on 'ASInterface::_Data::Callback::BaseCaller' that is abstract but has non-virtual destructor
[bccaarm Error] ASInterface.inl(720): use of undeclared identifier 'E_INVALIDARG'
[bccaarm Error] ASInterface.inl(724): use of undeclared identifier 'NOERROR'
[bccaarm Error] ASInterface.inl(802): use of undeclared identifier 'NOERROR'
[bccaarm Error] ASInterface.inl(417): no viable overloaded '='
ASInterface.inl(422): in instantiation of member function 'ASInterface::_Data::Callback::CallHlp<void (*)(const wchar_t *)>::Ret<void>::Call' requested here
ASInterface.inl(678): in instantiation of member function 'ASInterface::_Data::Callback::CallHlp<void (*)(const wchar_t *)>::Call' requested here
ASInterface.inl(697): in instantiation of member function 'ASInterface::_Data::Callback::Caller<void (*)(const wchar_t *)>::Call' requested here
ASInterface.inl(877): in instantiation of function template specialization 'ASInterface::_Data::Callback::Callback<void (*)(const wchar_t *)>' requested here
ASInterface.h(34): candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: cannot convert argument of incomplete type 'void' to 'const ASValue'
ASInterface.inl(236): candidate template ignored: substitution failure [with _Type = void]
[bccaarm Error] ASInterface.inl(429): no viable overloaded '='
ASInterface.inl(434): in instantiation of member function 'ASInterface::_Data::Callback::CallHlp<void (*)(const wchar_t *, const wchar_t *)>::Ret<void>::Call' requested here
ASInterface.inl(678): in instantiation of member function 'ASInterface::_Data::Callback::CallHlp<void (*)(const wchar_t *, const wchar_t *)>::Call' requested here
ASInterface.inl(697): in instantiation of member function 'ASInterface::_Data::Callback::Caller<void (*)(const wchar_t *, const wchar_t *)>::Call' requested here
ASInterface.inl(886): in instantiation of function template specialization 'ASInterface::_Data::Callback::Callback<void (*)(const wchar_t *, const wchar_t *)>' requested here
ASInterface.h(34): candidate function (the implicit copy assignment operator) not viable: cannot convert argument of incomplete type 'void' to 'const ASValue'
ASInterface.inl(236): candidate template ignored: substitution failure [with _Type = void]