jQuery将自定义参数传递给Common .click()处理程序

时间:2018-12-27 18:12:11

标签: jquery


$('.menu li').click(function () {
   // etc.

在启动时,我还通过手动调用此处理程序来模拟点击。突出显示来自服务器端URL的项是必需的,它将填充隐藏字段。 LI项具有ID,因此我在它们上手动调用.click()

$('document').ready(function () {
      if($("#queueFilter").val() == "MENU1") {
      } else if($("#queueFilter").val() == "MENU2") {
      } else {



$("#menu1").click(false); // Indicates a simulated click


$('.menu li').click(customarg, function () { .. }));


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



就像这样:$('.menu li').trigger('click', { key: value })

答案 1 :(得分:1)


$('document').ready(function () {
      if($("#queueFilter").val() == "MENU1") {
            $("#menu1").click({isSimulated: true}, handleMenuClick);
      } else if($("#queueFilter").val() == "MENU2") {
            $("#menu2").click({isSimulated: true}, handleMenuClick);
      } else {
            $("#menu3").click({isSimulated: true}, handleMenuClick);

function handleMenuClick(event){
    let clickedItem = $(event.target);

    if (!!event.data && event.data.isSimulated === true) {
        console.log("Simulated click");
    } else {
        console.log("Real click");


答案 2 :(得分:0)

我刚刚找到了解决方案:如下使用<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="//aframe.io/releases/0.8.2/aframe.min.js"></script> <script src="//cdn.rawgit.com/donmccurdy/aframe-extras/v5.0.0/dist/aframe-extras.min.js"></script> <script src="//cdn.rawgit.com/donmccurdy/aframe-physics-system/v3.3.0/dist/aframe-physics-system.min.js"></script> <script> /** * Kinema body. * * Based on kinematic-body, from AFrame Extras (for now, basically a copy, * just because I read it is deprecated in AFrame Extras) * * https://github.com/donmccurdy/aframe-extras/blob/master/src/misc/kinematic-body.js * * Managed dynamic body, which moves but is not affected (directly) by the * physics engine. This is not a true kinematic body, in the sense that we are * letting the physics engine _compute_ collisions against it and selectively * applying those collisions to the object. The physics engine does not decide * the position/velocity/rotation of the element. * * Used for the camera object, because full physics simulation would create * movement that feels unnatural to the player. Bipedal movement does not * translate nicely to rigid body physics. * * See: http://www.learn-cocos2d.com/2013/08/physics-engine-platformer-terrible-idea/ * And: http://oxleygamedev.blogspot.com/2011/04/player-physics-part-2.html */ const EPS = 0.000001; AFRAME.registerComponent('kinema-body', { dependencies: ['velocity'], /******************************************************************* * Schema */ schema: { mass: { default: 5 }, radius: { default: 1.3 }, linearDamping: { default: 0.05 }, enableSlopes: { default: true }, enableJumps: { default: false }, }, /******************************************************************* * Lifecycle */ init: function () { this.system = this.el.sceneEl.systems.physics; this.system.addComponent(this); const el = this.el, data = this.data, position = (new CANNON.Vec3()).copy(el.object3D.getWorldPosition(new THREE.Vector3())); this.body = new CANNON.Body({ material: this.system.getMaterial('staticMaterial'), position: position, mass: data.mass, linearDamping: data.linearDamping, fixedRotation: true }); this.body.addShape( new CANNON.Sphere(data.radius), new CANNON.Vec3(0, data.radius, 0) ); this.body.el = this.el; this.el.body = this.body; this.system.addBody(this.body); if (el.hasAttribute('wasd-controls')) { console.warn('[kinema-body] Not compatible with wasd-controls, use movement-controls.'); } }, remove: function () { this.system.removeBody(this.body); this.system.removeComponent(this); delete this.el.body; }, /******************************************************************* * Update */ /** * Checks CANNON.World for collisions and attempts to apply them to the * element automatically, in a player-friendly way. * * There's extra logic for horizontal surfaces here. The basic requirements: * (1) Only apply gravity when not in contact with _any_ horizontal surface. * (2) When moving, project the velocity against exactly one ground surface. * If in contact with two ground surfaces (e.g. ground + ramp), choose * the one that collides with current velocity, if any. */ beforeStep: function (t, dt) { if (!dt) return; const el = this.el; const data = this.data const body = this.body; if (!data.enableJumps) body.velocity.set(0, 0, 0); body.position.copy(el.getAttribute('position')); }, step: (function () { const velocity = new THREE.Vector3(), normalizedVelocity = new THREE.Vector3(), currentSurfaceNormal = new THREE.Vector3(), groundNormal = new THREE.Vector3(); return function (t, dt) { if (!dt) return; let body = this.body, data = this.data, didCollide = false, height, groundHeight = -Infinity, groundBody, contacts = this.system.getContacts(); dt = Math.min(dt, this.system.data.maxInterval * 1000); groundNormal.set(0, 0, 0); velocity.copy(this.el.getAttribute('velocity')); body.velocity.copy(velocity); for (var i = 0, contact; contact = contacts[i]; i++) { // 1. Find any collisions involving this element. Get the contact // normal, and make sure it's oriented _out_ of the other object and // enabled (body.collisionReponse is true for both bodies) if (!contact.enabled) { continue; } if (body.id === contact.bi.id) { contact.ni.negate(currentSurfaceNormal); } else if (body.id === contact.bj.id) { currentSurfaceNormal.copy(contact.ni); } else { continue; } didCollide = body.velocity.dot(currentSurfaceNormal) < -EPS; if (didCollide && currentSurfaceNormal.y <= 0.5) { // 2. If current trajectory attempts to move _through_ another // object, project the velocity against the collision plane to // prevent passing through. velocity.projectOnPlane(currentSurfaceNormal); } else if (currentSurfaceNormal.y > 0.5) { // 3. If in contact with something roughly horizontal (+/- 45º) then // consider that the current ground. Only the highest qualifying // ground is retained. height = body.id === contact.bi.id ? Math.abs(contact.rj.y + contact.bj.position.y) : Math.abs(contact.ri.y + contact.bi.position.y); if (height > groundHeight) { groundHeight = height; groundNormal.copy(currentSurfaceNormal); groundBody = body.id === contact.bi.id ? contact.bj : contact.bi; } } } normalizedVelocity.copy(velocity).normalize(); if (groundBody && (!data.enableJumps || normalizedVelocity.y < 0.5)) { if (!data.enableSlopes) { groundNormal.set(0, 1, 0); } else if (groundNormal.y < 1 - EPS) { groundNormal.copy(this.raycastToGround(groundBody, groundNormal)); } // 4. Project trajectory onto the top-most ground object, unless // trajectory is > 45º. velocity.projectOnPlane(groundNormal); } else if (this.system.driver.world) { // 5. If not in contact with anything horizontal, apply world gravity. // TODO - Why is the 4x scalar necessary. // NOTE: Does not work if physics runs on a worker. velocity.add(this.system.driver.world.gravity.scale(dt * 4.0 / 1000)); } body.velocity.copy(velocity); this.el.setAttribute('velocity', body.velocity); this.el.setAttribute('position', body.position); }; }()), /** * When walking on complex surfaces (trimeshes, borders between two shapes), * the collision normals returned for the player sphere can be very * inconsistent. To address this, raycast straight down, find the collision * normal, and return whichever normal is more vertical. * @param {CANNON.Body} groundBody * @param {CANNON.Vec3} groundNormal * @return {CANNON.Vec3} */ raycastToGround: function (groundBody, groundNormal) { let ray, hitNormal, vFrom = this.body.position, vTo = this.body.position.clone(); ray = new CANNON.Ray(vFrom, vTo); ray._updateDirection(); // TODO - Report bug. ray.intersectBody(groundBody); if (!ray.hasHit) return groundNormal; // Compare ABS, in case we're projecting against the inside of the face. hitNormal = ray.result.hitNormalWorld; return Math.abs(hitNormal.y) > Math.abs(groundNormal.y) ? hitNormal : groundNormal; } }); </script> <body> <a-scene physics="debug: true"> <a-box static-body position="0 0 0" height="3" width="4" color="red"></a-box> <a-plane static-body position="0 0 0" rotation="-90 0 0" width="8" height="14" color="#7BC8A4"></a-plane> <a-sky color="#ECECEC"></a-sky> <a-entity kinema-body="radius: 0.8" movement-controls="fly: false" position="0 0 4" look-controls> <a-entity camera position="0 1.6 0" ></a-entity> </a-entity> </a-scene> </body> </html> trigger()




$("#menu1").trigger('click', false);

如果未通过arg(实际用户点击),则此arg为$('.menu li').on('click', function (e, actualUserClick) { ... });