
时间:2018-12-27 04:01:45

标签: android kotlin alert alertdialog android-alertdialog

在检查并尝试实施至少8种不同的建议解决方案以在android studio 3.2.1中显示消息框/对话框/警报后,我注意到我无法找到以下任一建议的解决方案:

  1. 在没有显示主消息和/或没有按钮的情况下进行工作。
  2. 补充了如何导入所需库的信息。



package com.greyblocks.gatekeeper

import android.accounts.Account
import android.accounts.AccountManager
import android.app.Activity
import android.app.AlertDialog
import android.content.DialogInterface
import android.graphics.Color
import android.os.Build
import android.os.Bundle
import android.view.View
import android.widget.TextView
import android.widget.Toast
import java.io.File
import java.io.PrintWriter

import com.google.android.material.snackbar.Snackbar
//import android.support.design
//import com.greyblocks.gatekeepersample.MainActivity
import android.widget.AdapterView
import android.content.ContextWrapper
import android.widget.EditText

import android.util.Log
import com.google.android.material.R.id.title
import com.greyblocks.gatekeeper.R.id.info

open class GateKeeper(private val accountManager: AccountManager,
                      private val accountType: String) {

    fun getCurrentAccount(): Account? {

        val accounts = accountManager.getAccountsByType(accountType)
        if (accounts.isNotEmpty()) {
            return accounts[0]
        return null

    fun getAuthToken(): String? {
        val account = getCurrentAccount()
        return account?.let { accountManager.peekAuthToken(getCurrentAccount(), AccountAuthenticator.AUTHTOKEN_TYPE_FULL_ACCESS) }

    fun enter(user: String, password: String?, authToken: String, userData: Bundle? = null) {
        if (getCurrentAccount() != null) {
        accountManager.addAccountExplicitly(Account(user, accountType), password, userData)
        accountManager.setAuthToken(getCurrentAccount(), AccountAuthenticator.AUTHTOKEN_TYPE_FULL_ACCESS, authToken)

    fun saveUserData(key: String, value: Long) {
        accountManager.setUserData(getCurrentAccount(), key, value.toString())

    fun saveUserData(key: String, value: Int) {
        accountManager.setUserData(getCurrentAccount(), key, value.toString())

    fun saveUserData(key: String, value: String) {
        accountManager.setUserData(getCurrentAccount(), key, value)

    fun getUserData(key: String, defaultData: String? = null): String? {
        return accountManager.getUserData(getCurrentAccount(), key) ?: defaultData

    fun getLong(key: String): Long {
        return accountManager.getUserData(getCurrentAccount(), key)?.toLongOrNull() ?: 0L

    fun getInt(key: String): Int {
        return accountManager.getUserData(getCurrentAccount(), key)?.toIntOrNull() ?: 0

    fun logout() {

        //try to write something to screen:
        print("Maximum of a or b is " );
        Log.d("TAG", "message")
        println("other message")

        //info("London is the capital of Great Britain")
//        debug(5) // .toString() method will be executed
//        warn(null) // "null" will be printed
//        toast("Hello, ${name.text}!")
        fun print(message: Any?) {}
        var message:String
        fun print(message: String) {}

        //try to write something to file:
        //writeToTxt(accountType); Crashes upon pressing logout

        if (getCurrentAccount() != null) {

            accountManager.invalidateAuthToken(accountType, getAuthToken())
            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP_MR1) {
            } else {
                accountManager.removeAccount(getCurrentAccount(), null, null)


    fun isLoggedIn(): Boolean {
        return getAuthToken() != null

    fun checkUserAuth(activity: Activity) {
        if (!isLoggedIn()) {
            accountManager.addAccount(accountType, AccountAuthenticator.AUTHTOKEN_TYPE_FULL_ACCESS, null, null, activity,
                    null, null)

    //Attempt 0: Can't find an import for alert
//    fun messageBox(String inputString){
//        alert("Testing alerts") {
//            title = "Alert"
//            yesButton { toast("Yess!!!") }
//            noButton { }
//        }.show()
//    }

    //Attempt 1: Problem: needs to be called from an object "this" which does not exist in this file.
//    fun showNormalAlert(v: View){
//        val dialog = AlertDialog.Builder(this).setTitle("Kotlin Study").setMessage("Alert Dialog")
//                .setPositiveButton("Confirm", { dialog, i ->
//                    val applicationContext=null;
//                    Toast.makeText(applicationContext, "Hello Friends", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()
//                })
//                .setNegativeButton("Cancel", { dialog, i -> })
//        dialog.show()
//    }

    //Attempt 2: Can't find somefile.txt
//    fun writeToTxt(input: String) {
//        File("somefile.txt").printWriter().use { out ->
//            out.println("${input}, ${"text1"}")
//        }
//    }

    //Attempt 3: can't find file.txt
    fun writeToTxt(input: String) {
        PrintWriter("file.txt").use {
            for (i in 1..5) {
        //Attempt 4: Do not know yet how to create a parentview in the middle of this code
//    fun writeToTxt(input: String) {
//        Snackbar.make(parentView, "The string = ", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show()
//    }

        //Attempt 5: Don't yet know how to import the design
//    fun onSNACK(view: View){
//        //Snackbar(view)
//        val snackbar = Snackbar.make(view, "Replace with your own action",
//                Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).setAction("Action", null)
//        snackbar.setActionTextColor(Color.BLUE)
//        val snackbarView = snackbar.view
//        snackbarView.setBackgroundColor(Color.LTGRAY)
//        val textView =
//                snackbarView.findViewById(android.support.design.R.id.snackbar_text) as TextView
//        textView.setTextColor(Color.BLUE)
//        textView.textSize = 28f
//        snackbar.show()
//    }

        //Attempt 6: Don't yet know how to generate the AdapterView<*>
//    fun showPopup(parent: AdapterView<*>, view: View,
//                    position: Int, rowId: Long) {
//        val result: String;
//        val context = ContextWrapper(null)
//        val dialog = AlertDialog.Builder(ContextWrapper(null)).show()
//        val adb = AlertDialog.Builder(context)
//        adb.setTitle("List")
//        adb.setMessage(" selected Item is=" + parent.getItemAtPosition(position))
//        adb.setPositiveButton("Ok", null)
//        adb.show()
//        Snackbar.make(view, "Invalid username or password", Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG).show()
//    }

    //Attempt 7: Crashes App upon opening
//    @Throws(Exception::class)
//    fun shouldSetView() {
//        val context = ContextWrapper(null)
//        val builder = AlertDialog.Builder(context)
//        val view = EditText(context)
//        builder.setView(view)
//        val alert = builder.create()
//        //shadowOf(alert).getView()
//        view as View
//    }

    //Attempt 8: Can't import inflate
//        fun showNewNameDialog() {
//            val dialogBuilder = AlertDialog.Builder(this)
//            val inflater = this.layoutInflater
//            val dialogView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.custom_dialog, null)
//            dialogBuilder.setView(dialogView)
//            val editText = dialogView.findViewById<View>(R.id.editTextName) as EditText
//            dialogBuilder.setTitle("Custom dialog")
//            dialogBuilder.setMessage("Enter Name Below")
//            dialogBuilder.setPositiveButton("Save", { dialog, whichButton ->
//                //do something with edt.getText().toString();
//                // Add Name in list
//                nameList.add(editText.text.toString())
//                // Handler code here.
//                val intent = Intent(this, NewKitListActivity::class.java)
//                startActivity(intent);
//            })
//            dialogBuilder.setNegativeButton("Cancel", { dialog, whichButton ->
//                //pass
//            })
//            val b = dialogBuilder.create()
//            b.show()
//        }


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