
时间:2018-12-26 06:31:50

标签: assembly x86 usb bootloader mouse-cursor

jmp short _start    ; Jump past disk description section


; Disk description table, to make it a valid usb

OEMLabel        db "usb-label"  ; Disk label
BytesPerSector      dw 512      ; Bytes per sector
SectorsPerCluster   db 1        ; Sectors per cluster
ReservedForBoot     dw 1        ; Reserved sectors for boot record
NumberOfFats        db 2        ; Number of copies of the FAT
RootDirEntries      dw 224
LogicalSectors      dw 2880     ; Number of logical sectors
MediumByte      db 0F0h     ; Medium descriptor byte
SectorsPerFat       dw 9        ; Sectors per FAT
SectorsPerTrack     dw 18       ; Sectors per track (36/cylinder)
Sides           dw 2        ; Number of sides/heads
HiddenSectors       dd 0        ; Number of hidden sectors
LargeSectors        dd 0        ; Number of LBA sectors
DriveNo         dw 0        ; Drive No: 0
Signature       db 41       ; Drive signature: 41 for floppy
VolumeID        dd 87654321h    ; Volume ID: any number
VolumeLabel     db "usb-lable"; Volume Label: any 11 chars
FileSystem      db "FAT12   "   ; File system type: don't change!


mov ax, 07C0h       ; move 0x7c00 into ax
mov ds, ax          ; set data segment to where we're loaded
mov si, string  ; Put string position into SI
call print_string   ; Call our string-printing routine
jmp $           ; infinite loop!
string db "hello world! from usb", 0
mov ah, 0Eh     ; int 10h 'print char' function

lodsb           ; load string byte to al
cmp al, 0       ; cmp al with 0
je .done        ; if char is zero, ret
int 10h         ; else, print
jmp .loop

times 510-($-$$) db 0   ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s

dw 0xAA55       ; The standard PC boot signature

我们制作了这个引导程序,可以打印“ hello world”,并且可以工作!现在,我们要在引导加载程序屏幕上显示鼠标光标,并且我们已经在引导加载程序中使用了int 33(启用鼠标中断功能),但是它没有显示光标! [我们还没有学习过OS课程。]

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