
时间:2018-12-26 02:58:22

标签: javascript list.js

我知道,通过List.js示例,通过List.js创建可搜索列表是almost trivial。使用some additional effort,可以将分页添加到列表中。但是,afaik无法自定义寻呼机。另外,从JavaScript方面传递到列表的数据似乎有点...静态。


  • 在“编辑菜单”页面中,类别和项目可以添加到菜单中。为此,用户单击“添加类别”或“添加项目”按钮,并弹出相应的模式

  • 用户将不会以该模式看到菜单上已经存在的类别,也不会看到其所在类别中的任何项目(例如,如果Category1包含ItemA,ItemB,... ItemK,然后,当Category1处于活动状态时,这些项都不应该出现在模式中。但是,如果Category2为空,并且单击它,然后出现模式,则它们都应该出现。)



func renderer(_ renderer: SCNSceneRenderer, didUpdate node: SCNNode, for anchor: ARAnchor) {
        updateQueue.async {
            if let imageAnchor = anchor as? ARImageAnchor {
                guard let lastAnchor = self.lastImageAnchor else { return }
                if imageAnchor != lastAnchor {
                    self.session.remove(anchor: lastAnchor)

按照第一个链接,有一种方法可以将对象传递给List.js API。但是,由于JavaScript不是传递引用,因此,我需要以某种方式让List.js调用正确的方法来获取列表的正确数据,即项目的/* all the categories, items, and modifiers that power this page */ const menuState = (function() { class MenuData { constructor(attached = [], available = []) { // attached,available MUST be arrays! if ((!Array.isArray(attached)) || (!Array.isArray(available))) { throw TypeError("passed data MUST be in the form of Arrays!") } this.attached = attached; this.available = available; } add(entities) { // entities MUST be Array if (!Array.isArray(entities)) throw ReferenceError("entities must be array") // from here, we simply move from this.available to this.attached, the entities // but first, let's check if they're even available if (hasEntities(entities, this.available)) { // attach them this.attached = this.attached.concat(entities) // they are no longer available this.available= this.available .filter(excluderFactory(entities)) } // if they're not attached, that is an error if (!hasEntities(entities, this.attached)) { throw Error('The entities you were trying to add were neither attached nor available') } } remove(entities) { // entities MUST be Array if (!Array.isArray(entities)) throw ReferenceError("entities must be array") // from here, we simply move from this.attached to this.available, the entities // but first, let's check if they're even attached if (hasEntities(entities, this.attached)) { // make them available this.available = this.available.concat(entities) // detach them this.attached = this.attached .filter(excluderFactory(entities)) } // if they're not available, that is an error if (!hasEntities(entities, this.available)) { throw Error('The entities you were trying to remove were neither attached nor available') } } }; let _categories = new MenuData(), _items = new MenuData() let _itemPool = [], _categoryItems = {} /** * Determines if an array has entities with an Id. * @param {Object[]} entities * @param {Object[]} arrayToCheck * @returns {boolean} whether arrayToCheck has objects with entities' Ids. */ function hasEntities(entities, arrayToCheck) { for (let idx in entities) { if (arrayToCheck.find((element) => element.Id === entities[idx].Id)) { if (idx == entities.length - 1) { return true; } continue; } return false; } } /** * Returns a callback for the purpose of excluding entities * @param {Object[]} entities the entities to exclude */ function excluderFactory(entities) { return function(model) { return !entities.find((entity) => entity.Id === model.Id) } } return { getAllCategories : () => _categories.attached.concat(_categories.available), getAttachedCategories : () => _categories.attached.slice(), getAvailableCategories : () => _categories.available.slice(), addCategories : (categories) => { _categories.add(categories) }, removeCategories : (categories) => { _categories.remove(categories) }, /** * Updates the _items to the category. * @param {Object} category the category object to update to. MUST HAVE ID! */ changeCurrentCategory : function(category) { if (category.Id === undefined) { throw ReferenceError("Category MUST have Id!") } _items = _categoryItems[category.Id] }, // because _items can be reset to reference other states, we MUST // directly reference it in these public methods getAllItems : () => _items.attached.concat(_items.available).slice(), getAttachedItems : () => _items.attached.slice(), getAvailableItems : () => _items.available.slice(), addItems : function(entities) { return _items.add(entities) }, removeItems : function(entities) { return _items.remove(entities) }, /** * initializes the item pool of the menu state. * All category-item states are constructed from the item pool. * * @param {Object[]} items */ initItemPool : (items) => { if (!Array.isArray(items)) { throw TypeError("item pool can only be initialized with an Array.") } // if _itemPool already has data, we're done here if (_itemPool.length) { throw Error("item pool is already initialized!") } _itemPool = items }, getItemPool : () => _itemPool.slice(), initCategories : (categories) => { if (!Array.isArray(categories)) { throw TypeError("categories can only be initialized with an Array.") } // if _categories already has data, we're done here if ((_categories.attached.length) || (_categories.available.length)) { throw Error("categories is already initialized!") } _categories = new MenuData([], categories) }, /** * Creates an entry in the category items object * @param {number} categoryId : the ID of the category containing these items * @param {Object[]} categoryItems : the category items. These are assumed attached to a category */ addCategoryItems : function(categoryId, categoryItems) { categoryId = parseInt(categoryId) || 0 // if there is entry for categoryId already if (_categoryItems[categoryId]) { // throw an error throw Error(`There already exists data for category with ID ${categoryId} !`) } // make the "complement" of categoryItems, using _itemPool let availableItems = _itemPool.filter(excluderFactory(categoryItems)) // write categoryItems,availableItems to key categoryId of _categoryItems _categoryItems[categoryId] = new MenuData(categoryItems, availableItems) }, getCategoryItems : () => _categoryItems } })() getAvailableItems选择器和类别选择器模态。

有没有办法让List.js做到这一点(我无法在任何地方找到示例 )?

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