
时间:2018-12-21 21:58:01

标签: asp.net vb.net

我在gridview中有一个按钮和一个无界标签(用于库存量级别标记)。(其他列有界)。当我单击按钮时,我希望显示“已点击的行”的标签:根据情况有库存或无货。但是现在ALL ROWS的All标签都显示相同的东西。


Private Sub CartGrid_RowDataBound(sender As Object, e As GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles CartGrid.RowDataBound

 If (e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow) Then
        If ProdQtyInStock = 0 Then
            Dim lblCartQtyMsg As Label = CType(e.Row.FindControl("lblCartQtyMsg"), Label)
            lblCartQtyMsg.Text = "Out of Stock"

        End If
    End If
 End Sub

我希望标签仅显示在单击按钮的行中。 这是按钮单击事件的代码:

Protected Sub btninc_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As  System.EventArgs)

    Dim PlusButton As Button = DirectCast(sender, Button)
    Dim Row As GridViewRow = DirectCast(PlusButton.Parent.Parent, GridViewRow)
    Dim productid As String =     CartGrid.DataKeys(Row.RowIndex).Value.ToString
    Dim lblcartSize As Label = CType(Row.FindControl("lblcartSize"), Label)
    Dim lblcartcolor As Label = CType(Row.FindControl("lblcartColor"), Label)
    Dim lblCartQty As Label = CType(Row.FindControl("LblCartQty"), Label)
    Dim cartQty As String
    If lblcartSize.Text.ToString = "NIL" And lblcartcolor.Text.ToString = "NIL" Then
        Dim colorid, sizeid As Integer
        sizeid = 1
        colorid = 1
        ProdQtyInStock = ShoppingCart.StockQtyChecker(productid, sizeid, colorid)
      If ProdQtyInStock = 1 Then
            ShoppingCart.UpdateQtyIncreament(productid, sizeid, colorid)
      ElseIf ProdQtyInStock = 0 Then
            ' show lblCartQtyMsg.Text = "Out of Stock"

        End If
        ' bindShoppingCart()
        Dim colorid, sizeid As Integer
        colorid = ShoppingCart.GetColorIDforProdCartDelete(productid, lblcartcolor.Text.ToString).colorid
        sizeid = ShoppingCart.GetSizeIDforProdCartDelete(productid, lblcartSize.Text.ToString).sizeid

        ProdQtyInStock = ShoppingCart.StockQtyChecker(productid, sizeid, colorid)

        If ProdQtyInStock = 1 Then
            ShoppingCart.UpdateQtyIncreament(productid, sizeid, colorid)
        ElseIf ProdQtyInStock = 0 Then

            'at show lblCartQtyMsg.Text = "Out of Stock"

        End If

        '' bindShoppingCart()

    End If

    cartQty = lblCartQty.Text

End Sub


            <asp:Button ID="btnIncreameant" runat="server"     CausesValidation="false" CommandName="Increament"
                 Text="+"   OnClick ="btninc_Click"  Font-Bold="True"     style="background-color:#fff; border :solid 1px #ccc"  />


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