
时间:2018-12-21 20:31:01

标签: docker scrapy dockerfile scrapyd


就目前而言,我有一些可行的方法,但这对我来说看起来真的很“ hacky”,我不喜欢它。正确的方法是什么?

FROM python:3.6
SHELL [ "/bin/bash", "-c" ]

# here comes a lot of configuration, copying files, installing stuff, etc ...

# important part that I think is hacky comes at the end:
# the command below redirect scrapyd streams to /dev/null, send it to the background, deploy the eggs, than run a dummy command to keep the container alive
CMD scrapyd >& /dev/null & cd ali && scrapyd-deploy && tail -f /dev/null


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是的,我知道使用Linux管理流程应该没有那么复杂。 #loveLinux #linuxRocks


# Set bash monitor mode on; run server on the background, deploy eggs, get server to the foreground again.
CMD set -m; scrapyd & cd ali && scrapyd-deploy && fg scrapyd