resource "openstack_compute_instance_v2" "worker" {
name = "${local.env}-worker-0${count.index+1}"
image_id = "${lookup(var.image_id, var.k8s_os)}"
flavor_id = "${data.openstack_compute_flavor_v2.m1_large.id}"
key_pair = "${var.key_name}"
security_groups = ["${local.env}-worker-sg"]
connection {
type = "ssh"
user = "${var.user}"
private_key = "${var.private_key_path}${var.key_name}.pem"
timeout = "1m"
agent = false
provisioner "remote-exec" {
inline = [
"sudo hostnamectl set-hostname --static ${local.env}-worker-0${count.index+1}"
count = "${lookup(var.worker_count, local.env)}"
openstack_compute_instance_v2.worker[0]: Failed to read key "/home/myuser/.ssh/mykey.pem": no key found
我也尝试使用private_key =“ $ {file(” / home / myuser / .ssh / mykey.pem“)}”“,但出现另一个错误:
* openstack_compute_instance_v2.worker[0]: Failed to parse key file "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY---- HERE_IS_MY_PRIVATE_KEYS ----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n": asn1: structure error: superfluous leading zeros in length