$ docker run -ti --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v sharewithdocker:/data codenvy/cli action list-workspaces
WARN: Bound 'codenvy/cli' to 'codenvy/cli:5.22.2'
WARN: Boot2docker detected - ensure :/data is mounted to %userprofile%
INFO: (codenvy cli): 5.22.2 - using docker 17.12.1-ce / boot2docker
ERROR: (codenvy action/list-workspaces): Unable to connect to the remote host on port 80. Please check the server is listening and that there is no network issue to reach this host. Full error: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
a.pinato@OLSAITNB-01 MINGW64 ~
$ docker run -ti --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v sharewithdocker:/data codenvy/cli action list-workspaces --url ssh://node18.codenvy.io:36221
WARN: Bound 'codenvy/cli' to 'codenvy/cli:5.22.2'
WARN: Boot2docker detected - ensure :/data is mounted to %userprofile%
INFO: (codenvy cli): 5.22.2 - using docker 17.12.1-ce / boot2docker
ERROR: (codenvy action/list-workspaces): HTTP error: Error: Parse Error
a.pinato@OLSAITNB-01 MINGW64 ~
$ docker run -ti --rm -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v sharewithdocker:/data codenvy/cli action list-workspaces --url node18.codenvy.io:36221
WARN: Bound 'codenvy/cli' to 'codenvy/cli:5.22.2'
WARN: Boot2docker detected - ensure :/data is mounted to %userprofile%
INFO: (codenvy cli): 5.22.2 - using docker 17.12.1-ce / boot2docker
ServerLocation object creation failed. Arguments should not be undefined
ServerLocation object creation failed. Arguments should not be undefined
(node:1) DeprecationWarning: util.error is deprecated. Use console.error instead.
ERROR: (codenvy action/list-workspaces): HTTP error: Error: connect EINVAL - Local (