
时间:2018-12-19 22:18:56

标签: c# unity3d

SELECT [Unique name #] = DENSE_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY c.name)
    , [Column] = c.name 
    , [Column type] = t.name
    , [Column max length] = c.max_length
    , [Column precision] = c.precision
    , [Table schema] = OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(c.object_id)
    , [Table name] = OBJECT_NAME(c.object_id)
FROM sys.columns as c
INNER JOIN sys.systypes as t ON t.type = c.system_type_id
WHERE OBJECTPROPERTY(c.object_id,'IsTable') = 1
    and  OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(c.object_id) != 'sys'
ORDER BY c.name;


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class DrawCircle : MonoBehaviour
    public enum CircleHeight
        Center, Bottom, Top

    public CircleHeight circleheight;
    [Range(0, 50)]
    public int segments = 50;
    [Range(1, 50)]
    public float xradius = 1.5f;
    [Range(1, 50)]
    public float yradius = 1.5f;
    [Range(-10, 10)]
    public float height = 0;
    public bool changeBothRadius = false;
    [Range(0.1f, 2)]
    public float lineThickness = 0.1f;
    public bool minimumRadius = false;
    public bool draw = false;
    public bool animateCircle = false;
    public float animationSpeed = 0.5f;

    private LineRenderer line;
    private Renderer renderer;
    private float Bottom;
    private float Top;
    private float Center = 0;
    private float t = 0f;

    void Start()
        circleheight = CircleHeight.Center;

        line = gameObject.GetComponent<UnityEngine.LineRenderer>();
        line.positionCount = segments + 1;
        line.useWorldSpace = false;
        renderer = gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>();

        Bottom = transform.InverseTransformPoint(renderer.bounds.min).y + 0.1f;
        Top = transform.InverseTransformPoint(renderer.bounds.max).y + 0.1f;

    void Update()
        line.startWidth = lineThickness;
        line.endWidth = lineThickness;

        if (draw)
            line.enabled = true;
            line.enabled = false;

    bool animStart = true;
    void CreatePoints()
        float x;
        float z;

        float angle = 20;

        if (animateCircle == false)
            switch (circleheight)
                case CircleHeight.Center:
                    height = Center;
                case CircleHeight.Bottom:
                    height = Bottom;
                case CircleHeight.Top:
                    height = Top;
            AnimateCircle(Top, Bottom);

        for (int i = 0; i < (segments + 1); i++)
            x = Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angle) * xradius;
            z = Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angle) * yradius;

            line.SetPosition(i, new Vector3(x, height, z));

            angle += (360f / segments + 1);

    private void AnimateCircle(float From, float To)
        if (animStart)
            if (height == Center)
                height = Mathf.Lerp(Center, From, t);
                t += animationSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
                if (height == From)
                    animStart = false;


if (animateCircle == false)



                AnimateCircle(Top, Bottom);

第一个循环的高度为0.6,但是当循环结束时,当我= 50且循环重新开始时,我看到高度为0。但是我没有在其他任何地方重设高度。


line.SetPosition(i, new Vector3(x, height, z));

例如,游戏在枚举默认状态为“开始”中的“中心”时开始。 如果我打电话给private void AnimateCircle(float From, float To) { // From = Top To = Bottom // height = Center if (animStart) { if (height != From) { height = Mathf.Lerp(height, From, t); } else { height = Mathf.Lerp(From, To, t); } t += animationSpeed * Time.deltaTime; if (height == From || height == To) animStart = false; } else { height = Mathf.Lerp(From, To, t); t += animationSpeed * Time.deltaTime; if (t > 1.0f) { if (To == Top) { float temp = To; To = From; From = temp; t = 0.0f; } if(To == Bottom) { float temp = From; From = To; To = temp; t = 0.0f; } } if (To == Top) { height = Mathf.Lerp(Bottom, Top, t); t += animationSpeed * Time.deltaTime; if (t > 1.0f) { float temp = Top; Top = Bottom; Bottom = temp; t = 0.0f; } } if(To == Bottom) { height = Mathf.Lerp(Top, Bottom, t); t += animationSpeed * Time.deltaTime; if (t > 1.0f) { float temp = Bottom; Bottom = Top; Top = temp; t = 0.0f; } } } }*/ AnimateStart(Top, Bottom);






AnimateStart(Bottom, Top);


private void AnimateCircle(float From, float To)
        if (animStart)
            // prevent t from exceeding tGoal
            if (t > tGoal)
                t = tGoal;

            // end animation when t reaches goal
            if (t == tGoal)
                animStart = false;

            // advance height according to t
            height = Mathf.Lerp(Bottom, Top, Mathf.PingPong(t, 1f));

            // advance height according to time & speed
            t += animationSpeed * Time.deltaTime;


    bool animStart = true;
    void CreatePoints()
        float x;
        float z;

        float angle = 20;

        if (animateCircle == false)
            switch (circleheight)
                case CircleHeight.Center:
                    // t=0.5f, tGoal=1f to go to top first then stop at top
                    // t=0.5f, tGoal=2f to go to top first then stop at bottom
                    // t=1.5f, tGoal=2f to go to bottom first then stop at bottom
                    // t=1.5f, tGoal=3f to go to bottom first then stop at top

                    t = 0.5f;
                    tGoal = 2f;
                    height = Center;
                case CircleHeight.Bottom:
                    t = 0f;
                    tGoal = 1f;
                    height = Bottom;
                case CircleHeight.Top:
                    t = 1f;
                    tGoal = 2f;
                    height = Top;
            AnimateCircle(Bottom, Top);

        for (int i = 0; i < (segments + 1); i++)
            x = Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angle) * xradius;
            z = Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * angle) * yradius;

            line.SetPosition(i, new Vector3(x, height, z));

            angle += (360f / segments + 1);


AnimateCircle(Top, Bottom);

在开关案例height = Mathf.Lerp(Top, Bottom, Mathf.PingPong(t, 1f)); t = 0.5f


但是如果我更改tGoal = 2ft = 1.5f,它将首先移动到顶部,然后从顶部移动到底部,这很好。但是0.5和2不会先将其向上移动。

如果t = 1.5f并且tGoal = 2f;它会向上移动到顶部并停在那里。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


private float tGoal;


        switch (circleheight)
            case CircleHeight.Center:
                float centerT = Mathf.InverseLerp(Bottom, Top, Center);

                // t=0f+centerT, tGoal=1f to go to top first then stop at top
                // t=0f+centerT, tGoal=2f to go to top first then stop at bottom
                // t=2f-centerT, tGoal=2f to go to bottom first then stop at bottom
                // t=2f-centerT, tGoal=3f to go to bottom first then stop at top

                t = 2f - centerT; 
                tGoal = 3f;
                height = Center;
            case CircleHeight.Bottom:
                t= 0f;
                tGoal = 1f;
                height = Bottom;
            case CircleHeight.Top:
                t = 1f;
                tGoal = 2f;
                height = Top;


private void AnimateCircle()
    if (animStart)
        // prevent t from exceeding tGoal
        if (t > tGoal) {
            t = tGoal;

        // end animation when t reaches goal
        if (t == tGoal) {
            animStart = false;

        // advance height according to t
        height = Mathf.Lerp(Bottom, Top, Mathf.PingPong(t,1f));

        // advance height according to time & speed
        t += animationSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
