Sub test1()
Dim list() As String
Dim wrd As String
Dim mrk As Integer
wrd = "ABC" 'Get next word from list
'set range to search as from current selection (previously found) to end of document
Dim DocRng
Set DocRng = ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=Selection.End, End:=ActiveDocument.Content.End)
mrk = Selection.End 'Mark end of previously found instance (current selection)
With DocRng.Find 'Find next instance of word and select it
.Text = wrd
.MatchCase = True
.Forward = True
End With
If Selection.End = mrk Then 'If selection hasn't changed inform user and go to start of document
MsgBox ("Reached end of document.")
Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToLine, Which:=wdGoToAbsolute, Count:=0
End If
tmp = Selection.Text 'Save currently selected text
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Sub Demo()
With ActiveDocument.Range
With .Find
.Text = InputBox("What is the Text to Find")
.Replacement.Text = ""
.Forward = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.Format = False
.MatchCase = True
.MatchWholeWord = True
.MatchWildcards = False
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
End With
Do While .Find.Found
Select Case MsgBox("Replace this one?", vbYesNoCancel)
Case vbCancel: Exit Sub
Case vbYes: .Text = InputBox("Replacement text")
Case Else
End Select
.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
End With
End Sub
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Function search()
Dim list() As String
Dim Wrd As String
Dim k As Integer
Dim Nfound As Boolean
Dim Def As String
Dim location() As String
'Search document and get locations of each instance of a word
Wrd = "ABC" 'Get next word from list
Def = "Alphabet"
k = 1
Dim DocRng
Set DocRng = ActiveDocument.Content 'search whole document
With DocRng.find
.Text = Wrd
.MatchCase = True
Do While .Execute 'For each entry found, store start and end to array
ReDim Preserve location(2, k)
location(1, k) = DocRng.Start
location(2, k) = DocRng.End
k = k + 1
End With
'Compare the found locations against the current selection and select the first instance after current selection
Nfound = True 'Set as not found until it is found
j = Selection.End 'mark current cursor location
For k = 1 To UBound(location, 2)
If location(1, k) > j + Len(Def) Then '+ Len(Def) accounts for changes to text
ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=location(1, k), End:=location(2, k)).Select
Nfound = False
Exit For
End If
If Nfound Then 'if not found got to first instance found
k = 1
ActiveDocument.Range(Start:=location(1, k), End:=location(2, k)).Select
End If
End Function