When using tf.data.TFRecordDataset as the input pipeline, how to have sess.run() or eval() invoked more than once in the same iteration round?

时间:2018-12-19 11:35:37

标签: python tensorflow deep-learning tensorflow-datasets dropout

With tensorflow, I've made a dataset = tf.data.TFRecordDataset(filename) and iterator = dataset.make_one_shot_iterator(). Then in each round iterator.get_next() would give out a mini-batch of data as input.

I am training a network with Dropout layer, so I'm supposed to write something like this:

accuracy,loss = sess.run([acc,loss],feed_dict={keep_prob:1.0})

in which keep_prob represents the probability to keep a neuron alive, that differs in training and testing (at this place is the evaluating) process.

The problem arises here is each sess.run() triggers the iterator.get_next() to get a new batch of input. This is not what it was supposed to be like.

What should I do if I wanna these two sess.run() have the same input tensors?

Thank you very much :-)

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