resuming the azure logic app when a service calls it

时间:2018-12-19 11:26:16

标签: azure azure-functions azure-logic-apps resume

I have a workflow which gets triggers with a http request. It performs some tasks. Now when I perform my other task B (not via workflow but using the logic functions). Now, I want to take some actions based on the data passed from the B based on the flow defined in the workflow. In short, from task B, i want to resume my workflow automatically. I did by calling the workflow by


                    url: setUrl, //here url for the workflow
                    body: obj,
                    json: true
                }, function (error, response, body) {


But this url, is for another workflow A' and not the initially executed workflow for in which i want to continue. How can i achieve it, using single workflow?

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