Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: function json_typeof(json) does not exist
Hint: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
Where: PL/pgSQL function myArray(character varying,json) line 9 at SQL statement
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION myArray(domain_name varchar, val json) RETURNS varchar LANGUAGE plpgsql STABLE AS $$
result varchar;
isarray BOOLEAN;
q cursor for
select json_agg(blogIn(null,b.value))
from json_array_elements_text(val) b;
SELECT json_typeof(val) = 'array' into isarray;
if not isarray THEN
return val;
end if;
open q;
fetch q into result;
close q;
if result is null then
return val;
end if;
return result;
此功能在Postgres 9.5版本中运行没有问题,但在9.3上会产生上述错误,这很奇怪。有人可以告诉我在“ SELECT json_typeof(val)='array'into isarray;”中实际进行类型强制转换的要求吗? ?
答案 0 :(得分:1)
create or replace function is_json_array(json)
returns boolean language sql immutable as $$
select coalesce(left(regexp_replace($1::text, '\s', '', 'g'), 1) = '[', false)