运行时错误 追溯(最近一次通话): 文件“”,第50行,在 保存为txt的文件“ C:\ Python27 \ ArcGIS10.3 \ lib \ site-packages \ numpy \ lib \ npyio.py”,行1031 引发错误 ValueError:fmt的%格式数量错误:%10s%10.3f
arcpy.gp.Idw_sa(out_Layer_shp, i_dia, arcpy.env.workspace + "\\Raster\\" + out_Layer_tif + ".tif", tamanho_celula, potencia_idw, "VARIABLE 12 12", "")
#Deleting the shape file
arcpy.Delete_management(out_Layer_shp, "")
lista_final = np.array([], dtype = object) #Final list
contador = 0 #Counter
for mascara in bacias: #Importing shapefiles to clip the interpolated raster
importar_camada = arcpy.env.workspace + "\\Shapefile\\Bacias\\" + mascara + ".shp"
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(importar_camada, mascara)
#Variable to set the name of the layers that will be created and then clipped
camada_para_recortar = out_Layer_tif + ".tif"
camada_resultante = out_Layer + "_recortada"
nome_do_raster = camada_resultante + "_" + mascara + ".tif"
#Code to interpolate
arcpy.Clip_management(camada_para_recortar, "", arcpy.env.workspace + "\\Raster\\Recortes\\" + camada_resultante + "_" + mascara + ".tif", mascara, "-3,402823e+038", "ClippingGeometry", "NO_MAINTAIN_EXTENT")
#Getting the mean value from the raster clipped
media = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management (nome_do_raster, "MEAN", "")
lista_strings = np.array([out_Layer, mascara]) #array string
lista_medias = np.array([media]) #float string
arquivo_com_as_medias = "medias 01" #Name of the file to save the means values
lista_numpy_temporaria = np.array([out_Layer, mascara, media], dtype = object) #Temporary list to save the data before
#it be added to the final array
#lista_numpy_temporaria = lista_numpy_temporaria.reshape(1,3)
lista_final = np.concatenate((lista_final, lista_numpy_temporaria)) #Concatenating the two arrays
contador = contador + 1 #Incrementing the counter
lista_final = lista_final.reshape(contador,3) #reshape the final array
np.savetxt(arcpy.env.workspace + "\\Dados\\Exportados\\" + arquivo_com_as_medias + ".csv", lista_final, fmt="%10s %10.3f", delimiter=";", header = "#1, #2")
#Attempt to write the arrays based in a tutorial that I found, but it didn't work
ab = np.zeros(lista_numpy_temporaria.size, dtype=[('var1', 'U6'), ('var2', float)])
ab['var1'] = lista_strings
ab['var2'] = lista_medias
np.savetxt(arcpy.env.workspace + "\\Dados\\Exportados\\" + arquivo_com_as_medias + ".csv", ab, fmt="%10s %10.3f")
运行时错误回溯(最近一次调用最近):文件“”, 文件中的第210行 “ C:\ Python27 \ ArcGIS10.3 \ lib \ site-packages \ numpy \ lib \ npyio.py”,行 1047,在savetxt中 fh.write(asbytes(format%tuple(row)+ newline))TypeError:需要float参数,而不是Result
我发现的解决方案是将格式从fmt =“%10s%10s%10.3f”更改为此
RASTER FILE SUB_BASIN MEAN_VALUE out_Layer mascara 99.99
fmt="%10s %10s %10s"
使用上面的代码,“ print(lista_final)”将返回以下内容:
import arcpy import numpy as np from arcpy import sa from arcpy.sa import * from calendar import monthrange # Set environment settings arcpy.env.workspace = "C:\\Projetos\\ArcGIS\\Teste9" arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True #get the map document mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") #get the data frame df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd,"la*")[0] #Months and years to interpolate mes = ["2"] #Months ano = ["1994"] #Years #Days to interpolate based in the month lenght coluna_interpolada_28 = ["D1", "D2", "D3", "D4", "D5", "D6", "D7", "D8", "D9", "D10", "D11", "D12", "D13", "D14", "D15", "D16", "D17", "D18", "D19", "D20", "D21", "D22", "D23", "D24", "D25", "D26", "D27", "D28"] coluna_interpolada_29 = ["D1", "D2", "D3", "D4", "D5", "D6", "D7", "D8", "D9", "D10", "D11", "D12", "D13", "D14", "D15", "D16", "D17", "D18", "D19", "D20", "D21", "D22", "D23", "D24", "D25", "D26", "D27", "D28", "D29"] coluna_interpolada_30 = ["D1", "D2", "D3", "D4", "D5", "D6", "D7", "D8", "D9", "D10", "D11", "D12", "D13", "D14", "D15", "D16", "D17", "D18", "D19", "D20", "D21", "D22", "D23", "D24", "D25", "D26", "D27", "D28", "D29", "D30"] coluna_interpolada_31 = ["D1", "D2", "D3", "D4", "D5", "D6", "D7", "D8", "D9", "D10", "D11", "D12", "D13", "D14", "D15", "D16", "D17", "D18", "D19", "D20", "D21", "D22", "D23", "D24", "D25", "D26", "D27", "D28", "D29", "D30", "D31"] #Interpolation extent arcpy.env.extent = arcpy.env.workspace + "\\Shapefile\\" + "PB.shp" #Final list lista_final = np.array([], dtype = object) #Counter that is going to be used to reshape the arrays contador = 0 #Loop to go through the time series for i_ano in ano: #For loop with the years for i_mes in mes: #For loop with the months #Month Range quantidade_dias = monthrange(int(i_ano), int(i_mes)) #If clauses to define which columns it is goin to interpolate if quantidade_dias == (1, 28): coluna_interpolada = coluna_interpolada_28 elif quantidade_dias == (1, 29): coluna_interpolada = coluna_interpolada_29 elif quantidade_dias == (1, 30): coluna_interpolada = coluna_interpolada_30 else: coluna_interpolada = coluna_interpolada_31 #For loop with the days for i_dia in coluna_interpolada: tabela = i_mes + "_" + i_ano #Exemplo "2_1994" in_Table = arcpy.env.workspace + "\\Dados\\" + tabela + ".csv" #Exemplo "2_1994.csv" x_coords = "LONG" y_coords = "LAT" z_coords = "POINT_Z" out_Layer = "espacializacao" + "_" + tabela + "_" + i_dia #nome da camada "lyr" que vai ser criada #NOME DO ARQUIVO QUE VAI SER SALVO. Exemplo "espacializacao_2_1994_D2" out_Layer_shp = out_Layer + "_shp" #nome da camada "shp" que vai ser criada out_Layer_tif = out_Layer + "_tif" tamanho_celula = "0,10" #precisar por as aspas, apesar de ser um número potencia_idw = "2" #precisa por as aspas, apesar de ser um número raio_de_busca = RadiusVariable(12, 12) #Critério para fazer a interpolação, raio variando até 12 quilômetros até conseguir englobar 12 pontos # Set the spatial reference spRef = arcpy.SpatialReference("WGS 1984") #Create event layer arcpy.MakeXYEventLayer_management(in_Table, x_coords, y_coords, out_Layer, spRef, "") #Exporting event layer as shapefile arcpy.FeatureToPoint_management(out_Layer, arcpy.env.workspace + "\\" + "Shapefile\\Exportados\\" + out_Layer_shp + ".shp","") #Layer that is going to be deleted "lyr" lyr = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, "espacializacao",df) #Deleting the layer for df in arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd): for lyr in arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, "", df): #O parâmetro que não foi passado foi o WildCard, não precisa if lyr.name == out_Layer: arcpy.mapping.RemoveLayer(df, lyr) #Removendo a camada da paleta lateral #Some variables to define some parameters to the software camada_editando = out_Layer_shp coluna_criada = "Media" tipo_campo = "FLOAT" precisao_campo = "" precisao_decimais = "" comprimento_campo = 50 #Tamanho qualquer suposto arcpy.AddField_management(camada_editando, coluna_criada, "LONG", precisao_campo, precisao_decimais, comprimento_campo, "", "NULLABLE", "NON_REQUIRED", "") bacias = ["Abiai", "Camaratuba", "Curimatau", "Gramame", "Guaju", "Jacu", "Mamanguape", "Miriri", "Paraiba", "Piranhas", "Trairi"] #Code to interpolate arcpy.gp.Idw_sa(out_Layer_shp, i_dia, arcpy.env.workspace + "\\Raster\\" + out_Layer_tif + ".tif", tamanho_celula, potencia_idw, "VARIABLE 12 12", "") #Deleting shapefile arcpy.Delete_management(out_Layer_shp, "") #For loop to clip the raster file using the shapefiles for mascara in bacias: importar_camada = arcpy.env.workspace + "\\Shapefile\\Bacias\\" + mascara + ".shp" #Importing shapefile to clip arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(importar_camada, mascara) #Some variables defining some parameters to using in the clip function camada_para_recortar = out_Layer_tif + ".tif" camada_resultante = out_Layer + "_recortada" nome_do_raster = camada_resultante + "_" + mascara + ".tif" #Function to clip the raster file arcpy.Clip_management(camada_para_recortar, "", arcpy.env.workspace + "\\Raster\\Recortes\\" + camada_resultante + "_" + mascara + ".tif", mascara, "-3,402823e+038", "ClippingGeometry", "NO_MAINTAIN_EXTENT") media = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management (nome_do_raster, "MEAN", "") lista_strings = np.array([out_Layer, mascara]) lista_medias = np.array([media]) #Name of the file to save the means values arquivo_com_as_medias = "medias 01" lista_numpy_temporaria = np.append(lista_strings, lista_medias) lista_final = np.concatenate((lista_final, lista_numpy_temporaria)) #Deleting the raster clipped arcpy.Delete_management(nome_do_raster, "") #Counter contador = contador + 1 print(lista_final) #Reshaping the file lista_final = lista_final.reshape(contador,3) print(lista_final) #Saving the arrays to a CSV file np.savetxt(arcpy.env.workspace + "\\Dados\\Exportados\\" + arquivo_com_as_medias + ".csv", lista_final, fmt="%10s %10s %10s", delimiter=";", header = "") #Deleting the original raster arcpy.Delete_management(out_Layer_tif + ".tif", "")
我在想的另一件事是,这是将这些输出写入CSV文件的最佳方法吗?因为我已经看过一些使用“ CSV模块”直接将CSV文件写入的教程。但是,我已经尝试过了,但没有成功。
>>> print(lista_final)
[[u'espacializacao_2_1994_D1' u'Abiai' u'111,81740045547']
[u'espacializacao_2_1994_D1' u'Camaratuba' u'328,11316935221']
[u'espacializacao_2_1994_D1' u'Curimatau' u'273,3234489704']
[u'espacializacao_2_1994_D1' u'Gramame' u'223,45285224915']
[u'espacializacao_2_1994_D1' u'Guaju' u'393,62130737305']
[u'espacializacao_2_1994_D1' u'Jacu' u'312,91506958008']
[u'espacializacao_2_1994_D1' u'Mamanguape' u'289,06595204671']
[u'espacializacao_2_1994_D1' u'Miriri' u'564,86507415771']
[u'espacializacao_2_1994_D1' u'Paraiba' u'330,80016106998']
[u'espacializacao_2_1994_D1' u'Piranhas' u'328,95194289264']
[u'espacializacao_2_1994_D1' u'Trairi' u'333,04579162598']]
运行时错误回溯(最近一次调用最近):文件“”, 文件中的第176行 “ C:\ Python27 \ ArcGIS10.3 \ lib \ site-packages \ numpy \ core \ records.py”,行 560,在fromarrays中 引发ValueError(“数组%d中的数组形状不匹配”%k)ValueError:数组2中的数组形状不匹配
#First attempt
one = np.array([out_Layer], dtype = object)
two = np.array([mascara], dtype = object)
three = np.array([media])
rarr = np.rec.fromarrays([one, two, three])
arquivo_com_as_medias = "medias 01" #File with the means values
csv_directory = arcpy.env.workspace + "\\Dados\\Exportados\\" + arquivo_com_as_medias + ".csv"
np.savetxt(csv_directory, rarr, fmt=['%s', '%s', '%f'], delimiter=";")
答案 0 :(得分:1)
参数更改为fmt=['%10s', '%10s', '%10.3f']
当您在代码末尾调用np.concatenate((lista_final, lista_numpy_temporaria))
one = np.array(["u'espacializacao_2_1994_D1'", "u'espacializacao_2_1994_D1'",
"u'espacializacao_2_1994_D1'", "u'espacializacao_2_1994_D1'",
"u'espacializacao_2_1994_D1'", "u'espacializacao_2_1994_D1'",
"u'espacializacao_2_1994_D1'", "u'espacializacao_2_1994_D1'",
"u'espacializacao_2_1994_D1'", "u'espacializacao_2_1994_D1'",
"u'espacializacao_2_1994_D1'"], dtype=object)
two = np.array(["u'Abiai'", "u'Camaratuba'", "u'Curimatau'", "u'Gramame'",
"u'Guaju'", "u'Jacu'", "u'Mamanguape'", "u'Miriri'", "u'Paraiba'",
"u'Piranhas'", "u'Trairi'"], dtype=object)
three = np.array([111.81740046, 328.11316935, 273.32344897, 223.45285225,
393.62130737, 312.91506958, 289.06595205, 564.86507416,
330.80016107, 328.95194289, 333.04579163])
rarr = np.rec.fromarrays([one, two, three])
np.savetxt('arcgis.csv', rarr, fmt=['%s', '%s', '%f'], delimiter=";")
答案 1 :(得分:1)
我只是在“ import csv”开头添加了库,然后在代码中添加了以下几行。
#Opening the file to save the data
write_path = main_directory + "\\Dados\\Exportados\\" + "file_name" + ".csv"
file = open(write_path, 'a')
writer = csv.writer(file)
#Writing to the file
writer.writerow([mes_pelo_nome, ano_pelo_nome, dia_pelo_nome, mascara, media])