
时间:2018-12-17 15:18:20

标签: sql sql-server tsql

如何在选择查询中选择表名?下面的查询返回大约200个表。在200张桌子中,大约10到15张桌子的id = 0。



    select  'select count(*) from' + ' ' + name + ' ' + 'where id = 0 group by 
 id having count(*) > 1 ' from sysobjects 
    where id in ( select id from syscolumns where name = 'Id' )
    and xtype = 'U'
    and name like 'T%'
    order by id 

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


    select  'select ''' + name + ''' AS Name, count(*) from ' + name + ' where id = 0 group by 
 id having count(*) > 1' from sysobjects 
    where id in ( select id from syscolumns where name = 'Id' )
    and xtype = 'U'
    and name like 'T%'
    order by id 

答案 1 :(得分:1)

具有带有Id = 0行的表:

select  @SQL = STUFF((SELECT ' union all select ''' + name + ''' AS TableName, count(*) from' + ' ' + name + ' ' + 'where id = 0 group by id having count(*) > 1' from sysobjects 
    where id in ( select id from syscolumns where name = 'Id' )
    and xtype = 'U'
    and name like 'T%'
    order by id
    FOR XML PATH, TYPE).value('.[1]', 'nvarchar(max)')

EXEC sp_executesql @SQL