
时间:2018-12-16 07:38:58

标签: c# .net winforms picturebox system.drawing



public Point TranslateZoomMousePosition(Point coordinates)
    // test to make sure our image is not null
    if (pictureBox5.Image == null) return coordinates;
    // Make sure our control width and height are not 0 and our 
    // image width and height are not 0
    if (pictureBox5.Width == 0 || pictureBox5.Height == 0 || pictureBox5.Image.Width == 0 || pictureBox5.Image.Height == 0) return coordinates;
    // This is the one that gets a little tricky. Essentially, need to check 
    // the aspect ratio of the image to the aspect ratio of the control
    // to determine how it is being rendered
    float imageAspect = (float)pictureBox5.Image.Width / pictureBox5.Image.Height;
    float controlAspect = (float)pictureBox5.Width / pictureBox5.Height;
    float newX = coordinates.X;
    float newY = coordinates.Y;
    if (imageAspect > controlAspect)
        // This means that we are limited by width, 
        // meaning the image fills up the entire control from left to right
        float ratioWidth = (float)pictureBox5.Image.Width / pictureBox5.Width;
        newX *= ratioWidth;
        float scale = (float)pictureBox5.Width / pictureBox5.Image.Width;
        float displayHeight = scale * pictureBox5.Image.Height;
        float diffHeight = pictureBox5.Height - displayHeight;
        diffHeight /= 2;
        newY -= diffHeight;
        newY /= scale;
        // This means that we are limited by height, 
        // meaning the image fills up the entire control from top to bottom
        float ratioHeight = (float)pictureBox5.Image.Height / pictureBox5.Height;
        newY *= ratioHeight;
        float scale = (float)pictureBox5.Height / pictureBox5.Image.Height;
        float displayWidth = scale * pictureBox5.Image.Width;
        float diffWidth = pictureBox5.Width - displayWidth;
        diffWidth /= 2;
        newX -= diffWidth;
        newX /= scale;
    return new Point((int)newX, (int)newY);


var c = new FrameControl();
c.Size = new Size(myrect.Width, myrect.Height);


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


public RectangleF GetRectangeOnImage(PictureBox p, Rectangle selectionRect)
    var method = typeof(PictureBox).GetMethod("ImageRectangleFromSizeMode",
        System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance);
    var imageRect = (Rectangle)method.Invoke(p, new object[] { p.SizeMode });
    if (p.Image == null)
        return selectionRect;
    var cx = (float)p.Image.Width / (float)imageRect.Width;
    var cy = (float)p.Image.Height / (float)imageRect.Height;
    var r2 = Rectangle.Intersect(imageRect, selectionRect);
    r2.Offset(-imageRect.X, -imageRect.Y);
    return new RectangleF(r2.X * cx, r2.Y * cy, r2.Width * cx, r2.Height * cy);

注意:您可以找到ImageRectangleFromSizeMode方法source code here并将其用作编写此方法的一部分,作为您的应用程序代码的一部分。

示例-具有SizeMode = Zoom的PictureBox的裁剪图像


var selectedRectangle = new Rectangle(7, 30, 50, 40);
var result = GetRectangeOnImage(pictureBox1, selectedRectangle);
using (var bm = new Bitmap((int)result.Width, (int)result.Height))
    using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(bm))
        g.DrawImage(pictureBox1.Image, 0, 0, result, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
    pictureBox2.Image = (Image)bm.Clone();


enter image description here


enter image description here

答案 1 :(得分:2)

请考虑将其添加到Reza Aghaei answer中。



PointF TranslateZoomPosition(PointF Coordinates, SizeF ContainerSize, SizeF ImageSize)

RectangleF TranslateZoomSelection(RectangleF Selection, SizeF ContainerSize, SizeF ImageSize)

RectangleF TranslateSelectionToZoomedSel(RectangleF SelectionRect, SizeF ContainerSize, SizeF ImageSize)
返回 RectangleF ,代表原始位图的预选区域,该区域已转换为容器内缩放后的选择图像。

PointF GetImageScaledOrigin(SizeF ContainerSize, SizeF ImageSize)

SizeF GetImageScaledSize(SizeF ContainerSize, SizeF ImageSize)

示例用法,显示如何使用在Container控件内创建的选择Rectangle裁剪位图。 TranslateZoomSelection方法返回与选择区域相对应的Bitmap部分:

ZoomFactor ZoomHelper = new ZoomFactor()
Bitmap originalBitmap;

RectangleF currentSelection = [Current Selection Rectangle];
RectangleF bitmapRect = ZoomHelper.TranslateZoomSelection(currentSelection, [Container].Size, originalBitmap.Size);
using (Bitmap croppedBitmap = new Bitmap((int)bitmapRect.Width, (int)bitmapRect.Height, originalBitmap.PixelFormat))
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(croppedBitmap))
    g.DrawImage(originalBitmap, new Rectangle(Point.Empty, Size.Round(bitmapRect.Size)), 
                bitmapRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
    [Container].Image = (Bitmap)croppedBitmap.Clone();


PictureBox Zoom Selection



public class ZoomFactor
    public ZoomFactor() { }

    public PointF TranslateZoomPosition(PointF Coordinates, SizeF ContainerSize, SizeF ImageSize)
        PointF imageOrigin = TranslateCoordinatesOrigin(Coordinates, ContainerSize, ImageSize);
        float scaleFactor = GetScaleFactor(ContainerSize, ImageSize);
        return new PointF(imageOrigin.X / scaleFactor, imageOrigin.Y / scaleFactor);

    public RectangleF TranslateZoomSelection(RectangleF SelectionRect, SizeF ContainerSize, SizeF ImageSize)
        PointF selectionTrueOrigin = TranslateZoomPosition(SelectionRect.Location, ContainerSize, ImageSize);
        float scaleFactor = GetScaleFactor(ContainerSize, ImageSize);

        SizeF selectionTrueSize = new SizeF(SelectionRect.Width / scaleFactor, SelectionRect.Height / scaleFactor);
        return new RectangleF(selectionTrueOrigin, selectionTrueSize);

    public RectangleF TranslateSelectionToZoomedSel(RectangleF SelectionRect, SizeF ContainerSize, SizeF ImageSize)
        float scaleFactor = GetScaleFactor(ContainerSize, ImageSize);
        RectangleF zoomedSelectionRect = new
            RectangleF(SelectionRect.X * scaleFactor, SelectionRect.Y * scaleFactor,
                       SelectionRect.Width * scaleFactor, SelectionRect.Height * scaleFactor);

        PointF imageScaledOrigin = GetImageScaledOrigin(ContainerSize, ImageSize);
        zoomedSelectionRect.Location = new PointF(zoomedSelectionRect.Location.X + imageScaledOrigin.X,
                                                  zoomedSelectionRect.Location.Y + imageScaledOrigin.Y);
        return zoomedSelectionRect;

    public PointF TranslateCoordinatesOrigin(PointF Coordinates, SizeF ContainerSize, SizeF ImageSize)
        PointF imageOrigin = GetImageScaledOrigin(ContainerSize, ImageSize);
        return new PointF(Coordinates.X - imageOrigin.X, Coordinates.Y - imageOrigin.Y);

    public PointF GetImageScaledOrigin(SizeF ContainerSize, SizeF ImageSize)
        SizeF imageScaleSize = GetImageScaledSize(ContainerSize, ImageSize);
        return new PointF((ContainerSize.Width - imageScaleSize.Width) / 2,
                          (ContainerSize.Height - imageScaleSize.Height) / 2);

    public SizeF GetImageScaledSize(SizeF ContainerSize, SizeF ImageSize)
        float scaleFactor = GetScaleFactor(ContainerSize, ImageSize);
        return new SizeF(ImageSize.Width * scaleFactor, ImageSize.Height * scaleFactor);

    internal float GetScaleFactor(SizeF Scaled, SizeF Original)
        return (Original.Width > Original.Height) ? (Scaled.Width / Original.Width)
                                                  : (Scaled.Height / Original.Height);