我试图遍历仅包含xml文件的特定文件目录,并替换每个文件中的特定定义节点。我现在的问题是文件路径被定义为c:\ users \ myusername \ filepath,而不是坚持脚本中定义的原始文件路径。这在我的$ xml分配期间发生,因为$ filepath变量对于脚本中的其他命令正常工作。我可以在这里不使用Get-Content吗?我的印象是get-content应该可以工作,因为它一次可以编辑1个文件。
#updating xml and not including sub-directories
$filepath = "\\server1\SP\ConsensusModeling" #folder with multiple xml files, this is NOT located in my \users\ folder.
Foreach($file in Get-ChildItem $filePath | where {!$_.PSIsContainer}){
$xml = [xml](Get-Content $file)
#updating attributes at each node
$node = $xml.ConsensusModelingConfig #location of internal node tree
$node.APPServer = "server1"
$node.APPDB = "ConsensusModelingAPP"
$node.SSASServer = "server1SSAS"
$node.SSASDB = "ConsensusModelingDB"
我要编辑/结果创建的文件夹中文件的示例。这些是当前不同的值,我想将它们设置为以下值。其中有4个。 ConsensusModeling.xml:
Get-Content : Cannot find path 'C:\Users\myusername\mytestfile
At \\scriptlocation.ps1:628 c
+ $xml = [xml](Get-Content $file)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound:
(C:\Users\Alex.p...eling_Score.xml:String) [G
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetContentCommand
根据错误消息,我的路径被分配给C:\ users等,而不是保留$ filepath变量中定义的原始文件路径。为什么会这样?
解决方案: 根据@ mklement0的评论,以下代码解决了我的问题,现在所有文件的属性都已正确更新。
#updating xml and not including sub-directories
$filepath = "\\server1\SP\ConsensusModeling" #folder with multiple xml files, this is NOT located in my \users\ folder.
Foreach($file in Get-ChildItem $filePath | where {!$_.PSIsContainer}){
$xml = [xml](Get-Content $file.FullName)
#updating attributes at each node
$node = $xml.ConsensusModelingConfig #location of internal node tree
$node.APPServer = "server1"
$node.APPDB = "ConsensusModelingAPP"
$node.SSASServer = "server1SSAS"
$node.SSASDB = "ConsensusModelingDB"
答案 0 :(得分:0)
您是否从c:\ users ...运行脚本?
$filepath = "\\server1\SP\ConsensusModeling"
Get-ChildItem $filePath | % {
$XML = import-clixml $_.FullName #this will get you the childitem full path.
#updating attributes at each node
$node = $xml.ConsensusModelingConfig #location of internal node tree
$node.APPServer = "server1"
$node.APPDB = "ConsensusModelingAPP"
$node.SSASServer = "server1SSAS"
$node.SSASDB = "ConsensusModelingDB"