如何在Windows PowerShell脚本中使用创建日期时间早于90天的文件进行计数?

时间:2018-12-14 10:23:02

标签: powershell

我要求从包含多个子文件夹的整个目录中获取比90天更旧的文件。 我尝试了以下脚本,但没有运气。

dir Z:\EDI\ |
    ? {$_.CreationTime -ge (Get-Date).AddDays(-90) -and !$_.PsIsContainer} |
    group {$_.CreationTime.ToShortDateString()} |
    select Name, Count

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

这是获取信息的某种不同方式。 [咧嘴]


$MaxAgeInDays = 90
$Today = (Get-Date).Date
$SourceDir = $env:TEMP

$TooOldFileList = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $SourceDir -File -Recurse |
    Where-Object {($Today - $_.CreationTime).Days -ge $MaxAgeInDays} |
    Sort-Object CreationTime |
    ForEach-Object {
            AgeInDays = ($Today - $_.CreationTime).Days
            FileName = $_.FullName

$OldestFile = $TooOldFileList |
    Select-Object -First 1

'Max allowed age in days = {0, 5}' -f $MaxAgeInDays
'Number of too-old files = {0, 5}' -f $TooOldFileList.Count
'Oldest file age in days = {0, 5}' -f $OldestFile.AgeInDays
'Oldest file name        = {0}' -f $OldestFile.FileName


Max allowed age in days =    90
Number of too-old files =   296
Oldest file age in days =  1136
Oldest file name        = C:\Temp\FXSAPIDebugLogFile.txt