
时间:2018-12-14 06:59:24

标签: python list

mylist = ['breast:entire breast quadrant ', 'breast:entire breast ', 'breast:entire breast and endocrine system ', 'breast:entire breast quadrant ', 'breast:entire breast ', 'breast:entire breast and endocrine system ', 'chest:entire chest wall ', 'chest:entire chest wall artery ', 'chest:entire chest and abdomen and pelvis ', 'chest:entire chest wall ', 'chest:entire chest wall artery ', 'chest:entire chest and abdomen ', 'chest:entire chest and abdomen and pelvis ', 'chest:entire chest wall ', 'chest:entire chest wall artery ', 'chest:entire chest and abdomen ', 'chest:entire chest wall ', 'chest:entire chest wall artery ']


我希望选择1)'breast:entire breast ' 2)'chest:entire chest wall '


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您可以使用排序列表和字典来做到这一点。 首先,您可以创建列表列表:

[x.split(':') for x in mylist]


[['breast', 'entire breast quadrant '],
 ['breast', 'entire breast '],
 ['breast', 'entire breast and endocrine system '],
 ['breast', 'entire breast quadrant '],
 ['breast', 'entire breast '],
 ['breast', 'entire breast and endocrine system '],
 ['chest', 'entire chest wall '],
 ['chest', 'entire chest wall artery '],
 ['chest', 'entire chest and abdomen and pelvis '],
 ['chest', 'entire chest wall '],
 ['chest', 'entire chest wall artery '],
 ['chest', 'entire chest and abdomen '],
 ['chest', 'entire chest and abdomen and pelvis '],
 ['chest', 'entire chest wall '],
 ['chest', 'entire chest wall artery '],
 ['chest', 'entire chest and abdomen '],
 ['chest', 'entire chest wall '],
 ['chest', 'entire chest wall artery ']


     [x.split(':') for x in mylist],
     key=lambda x: (x[0],len(x[1].split())),


[['chest', 'entire chest and abdomen and pelvis '],
 ['chest', 'entire chest and abdomen and pelvis '],
 ['chest', 'entire chest wall artery '],
 ['chest', 'entire chest wall artery '],
 ['chest', 'entire chest and abdomen '],
 ['chest', 'entire chest wall artery '],
 ['chest', 'entire chest and abdomen '],
 ['chest', 'entire chest wall artery '],
 ['chest', 'entire chest wall '],
 ['chest', 'entire chest wall '],
 ['chest', 'entire chest wall '],
 ['chest', 'entire chest wall '],
 ['breast', 'entire breast and endocrine system '],
 ['breast', 'entire breast and endocrine system '],
 ['breast', 'entire breast quadrant '],
 ['breast', 'entire breast quadrant '],
 ['breast', 'entire breast '],
 ['breast', 'entire breast ']]


    [x.split(':') for x in mylist], 
    key=lambda x: (x[0],len(x[1])), 


{'chest': 'entire chest wall ', 'breast': 'entire breast '}

答案 1 :(得分:0)

mylist = ['breast:entire breast quadrant ', 'breast:entire breast ', 'breast:entire breast and endocrine system ', 'breast:entire breast quadrant ', 'breast:entire breast ', 'breast:entire breast and endocrine system ', 'chest:entire chest wall ', 'chest:entire chest wall artery ', 'chest:entire chest and abdomen and pelvis ', 'chest:entire chest wall ', 'chest:entire chest wall artery ', 'chest:entire chest and abdomen ', 'chest:entire chest and abdomen and pelvis ', 'chest:entire chest wall ', 'chest:entire chest wall artery ', 'chest:entire chest and abdomen ', 'chest:entire chest wall ', 'chest:entire chest wall artery ']

string1 = 'breast:'
string2 = 'chest:'
c1 = float("inf")
c2 = float("inf")
for x in mylist:
    if 'breast' in x :
        c_idx = x.index(':')
        x = x [ c_idx+1 : ]
        cnt = x.count(" ")
        if cnt < c1 :
            string_b = x
            c1 = cnt
        else :
    elif 'chest' in x :
        c_idx = x.index(':')
        x = x [ c_idx+1 : ]
        cnt = x.count(" ")
        if cnt < c2 :
            string_c = x
            c2 = cnt
        else :


答案 2 :(得分:0)


sublisted = [ x.split(":") for x in set(mylist)]

breast = min([ item[1] for item in sublisted if item[0] == "breast" ], key=len)
chest = min([ item[1] for item in sublisted if item[0] == "chest" ], key=len)

print(breast) #=> entire breast 
print(chest) #=> entire chest wall  


sublisted = [ x.split(":") for x in set(mylist) ]

def find_min(lst, str):
  found = min([ item[1] for item in sublisted if item[0] == str ], key=len)
  return str + ': ' + found

keys = { x[0] for x in sublisted }
for k in keys:
  print(find_min(sublisted, k))
# chest: entire chest wall 
# breast: entire breast