根据Outlook 2010中的默认全局地址列表:
为名为“ John Doe”的收件人分配了电子邮件地址“ john@aaa.com”
为名为“ John Doe2”的收件人分配了电子邮件地址“ doe@bbb.com”
如果在[收件人]字段中键入“ John Doe”并按[发送],则Outlook似乎发现名称“ John Doe”不明确,从而迫使用户选择确切的名称标签(通过[检查]名称]按钮),然后才能实际发送邮件。
“ John Doe”的名字本身无法解决(由于“ John Doe2”)和
特定域(@ aaa.com或@ bbb.com),而不是完整的电子邮件地址。
名称标签“ John Doe2”是未知的,直到以某种方式解决了“ John Doe”。
Dim Email As Outlook.MailItem
Dim domaintype As String ' domaintype is given
' domaintype = "@aaa.com"
' domaintype = "@bbb.com"
Dim recipientname As String ' recipient name is partially known
' recipientname = "John Doe"
if domaintype = "@aaa.com" then
With Email
' How do I add the correct recipient?
.Recipient.Add recipientname ' SMTP address = john@aaa.com for "John Doe"
End With
elseif domaintype = "@bbb.com" then
With Email
' How do I add the correct recipient?
.Recipient.Add recipientname ' SMTP address = doe@bbb.com for "John Doe2"
End With
' do something else
end if
Email.Recipients.ResolveAll ' "John Doe" is not resolved because it is ambiguous!
答案 0 :(得分:1)
在扩展MAPI(C ++或Delphi)中,可以在通讯簿搜索路径中对容器(IABContainer)的内容表使用PR_ANR限制。
set Session = CreateObject("Redemption.RDOSession")
Session.MAPIOBJECT = Application.Session.MAPIOBJECT
set AdrrEntries = Session.AddressBook.ResolveNameEx("John")
Debug.Print AdrrEntries.Count & " names were returned by ResolveNameEx:"
Debug.Print "------------"
for each AE in AdrrEntries
Debug.Print AE.Name & " " & AE.SMTPAddress
Debug.Print "------------"
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Option Explicit
Sub AddressEntry_From_Ambiguous_Name()
' Please note.
' It is not practical to loop through a GAL.
' This is for science.
' This is a demo for finding names by looping through the GAL.
' There is more coding to do if you insist.
Dim oAL As AddressList
Dim colAE As AddressEntries
Dim oAE As AddressEntry
Dim oExUser As exchangeUser
Dim i As Long
Dim maxCount As Long
Dim testCount As Long
Dim srchName As String
Dim candidateName As String
' For testing stay near the top of the list
srchName = "Abc"
' This condition is left for you to code
'srchDomain = "aaa.com"
Set oAL = Session.AddressLists("Global Address List")
'Address list is an Exchange Global Address List
If oAL.AddressListType = olExchangeGlobalAddressList Then
Set colAE = oAL.AddressEntries
maxCount = colAE.count
' For testing
testCount = 1000
If maxCount > testCount Then maxCount = testCount
' comment out above two lines to go live
For i = 1 To maxCount
' no distribution lists
If colAE(i).AddressEntryUserType = olExchangeUserAddressEntry _
Or colAE(i).AddressEntryUserType = olExchangeRemoteUserAddressEntry Then
Debug.Print i & " colAE(i).name: " & colAE(i).name
' Where name is in Last, First format in the GAL
' You can Split at the comma instead.
candidateName = Left(colAE(i).name, Len(srchName))
If candidateName = srchName Then
Set oExUser = colAE(i).GetExchangeUser
If MsgBox((oExUser.PrimarySmtpAddress) & " is this the address.", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
Debug.Print (oExUser.PrimarySmtpAddress) & " found."
Debug.Print "Code to replace the recipient, without using MsgBox."
Exit For
End If
ElseIf candidateName > srchName Then
Set oExUser = colAE(i).GetExchangeUser
Debug.Print i & " " & oExUser.PrimarySmtpAddress
Debug.Print " You have gone past last name " & srchName
Debug.Print " Code to delete the recipient then send."
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
End Sub