schedule.every().day.at("07:30").every(5).minutes.do(darwinChecker(train_station['home_station'], train_station['connect_station'], user_time['morning_time']))
import requests
import re
import schedule
import time
from darwin_token import DARWIN_KEY
jsonToken = DARWIN_KEY
train_station = {'work_station': 'bat', 'home_station': 'man', 'connect_station': 'wds'}
user_time = {'morning_time': ['0821', '0853'], 'evening_time': ['1733'], 'connect_time': ['0834', '0843']}
def darwinChecker(departure_station, arrival_station, user_time):
response = requests.get("https://huxley.apphb.com/all/" + str(departure_station) + "/to/" + str(arrival_station) + "/" + str(user_time), params={"accessToken": jsonToken})
response.raise_for_status() # this makes an error if something failed
data1 = response.json()
train_service = data1["trainServices"]
print('Departure Station: ' + str(data1.get('crs')))
print('Arrival Station: ' + str(data1.get('filtercrs')))
print('-' * 40)
found_service = 0 # keeps track of services so note is generated if service not in user_time
for index, service in enumerate(train_service):
if service['sta'].replace(':', '') in user_time: # replaces sta time with values in user_time
found_service += 1 # increments for each service in user_time
print('Service RSID: ' + str(train_service[index]['rsid']))
print('Scheduled arrival time: ' + str(train_service[index]['sta']))
print('Scheduled departure time: ' + str(train_service[index]['std']))
print('Status: ' + str(train_service[index]['eta']))
print('-' * 40)
if service['eta'] == 'Cancelled':
# print('The ' + str(train_service[index]['sta']) + ' service is cancelled.')
print('Previous train departure time: ' + str(train_service[index - 1]['sta']))
print('Previous train status: ' + str(train_service[index - 1]['eta']))
if found_service == 0: # if no service is found
print('The services currently available are not specified in user_time.')
except TypeError:
print('There is no train service data')
# print('\nNRCC Messages: ' + str(data1['nrccMessages'][0]['value']))
NRCCRegex = re.compile('^(.*?)[\.!\?](?:\s|$)') # regex pulls all characters until hitting a . or ! or ?
myline = NRCCRegex.search(data1['nrccMessages'][0]['value']) # regex searches through nrccMessages
print('\nNRCC Messages: ' + myline.group(1)) # prints parsed NRCC message
except (TypeError, AttributeError) as error: # tuple catches multiple errors, AttributeError for None value
print('There is no NRCC data currently available\n')
print('Morning Journey'.center(50, '='))
darwinChecker(train_station['home_station'], train_station['connect_station'], user_time['morning_time'])
# schedule.every().day.at("21:50").do()
# schedule.every(2).seconds.do(darwinChecker,train_station['home_station'], train_station['connect_station'], user_time['morning_time'])
schedule.every().day.at("07:30").every(5).minutes.do(darwinChecker,train_station['home_station'], train_station['connect_station'], user_time['morning_time'])
while True:
# print('Connection Journey'.center(50, '='))
# darwinChecker(train_station['connect_station'], train_station['work_station'], user_time['connect_time'])
# print('Evening Journey'.center(50, '='))
# darwinChecker(train_station['work_station'], train_station['home_station'], user_time['evening_time'])`