嘿,我正在尝试在opengl es 2.0中旋转光的方向,但是它没有旋转,请为英语感到抱歉
re.sub('[^>]+>', '', y)
precision mediump float; // Set the default precision to medium. We don't need as high of a
// precision in the fragment shader.
uniform vec3 u_LightPos; // The position of the light in eye space.
uniform vec4 u_Texture; // The input texture.
varying vec3 v_Position; // Interpolated position for this fragment.
varying vec3 v_Normal; // Interpolated normal for this fragment.
varying vec2 v_TexCoordinate; // Interpolated texture coordinate per fragment.
// The entry point for our fragment shader.
void main()
// Will be used for attenuation.
float distance = length(u_LightPos - v_Position);
// Get a lighting direction vector from the light to the vertex.
vec3 lightVector = normalize(u_LightPos - v_Position);
// Calculate the dot product of the light vector and vertex normal. If the normal and light vector are
// pointing in the same direction then it will get max illumination.
float diffuse = max(dot(v_Normal, lightVector), 0.0);
// Add attenuation.
diffuse = diffuse * (1.0 / (1.0 + (0.25 * distance)));
// Add ambient lighting
diffuse = diffuse + 0.7;
// Multiply the color by the diffusoie illumination level and texture value to get final output color.
gl_FragColor = u_Texture*diffuse;