我正在尝试将youtube api包装在一个沙盒iframe中,并仅赋予其所需的权限。
当youtube-api用youtube iframe替换原始html元素时,youtube api无法找到指定的元素,因为它位于沙盒iframe内。以下代码是一些已获取并执行的youtube代码。我已经发表了一条评论,解释了我为使youtube代码正常工作所做的更改,但是问题是youtube api没有在沙盒iframe的上下文中运行。
function W(a, b, c) {
this.h = this.a = this.b = null;
this.g = this[r] || (this[r] = ++t);
this.c = 0;
this.A = !1;
this.s = [];
this.f = null;
this.l = c;
this.m = {};
c = document;
// Here, the document is not the document of the iframe, but the
// document of the entire page. I need this to be something like
// window.frames["myIframe"].contentDocument.getElementById(a)
if (a = l(a) ? c.getElementById(a) : a)
if (c = "iframe" == a.tagName.toLowerCase(),
b.host || (b.host = c ? Ba(a.src) : "https://www.youtube.com"),
this.b = new Wa(b),
c || (b = Ya(this, a),
this.h = a,
(c = a.parentNode) && c.replaceChild(b, a),
a = b),
this.a = a,
this.a.id || (a = b = this.a,
a = a[r] || (a[r] = ++t),
b.id = "widget" + a),
R[this.a.id] = this,
window.postMessage) {
this.f = new M;
b = V(this.b, "events");
for (var d in b)
b.hasOwnProperty(d) && this.addEventListener(d, b[d]);
for (var e in Sa)
$a(this, e)