我正在尝试找到一种适当的方法,在从外部身份提供商(例如Azure Active Directory)成功进行身份验证之后,可以注入服务来验证用户是否存在于应用程序中或在应用程序中注册。我想做的是将用户重定向到自定义错误页面,或者如果尚未在我的应用程序中注册他的帐户,则显示未经授权的消息。
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
.AddInMemoryClients(Config.GetClients()) // Client was configured with RequireConsent = false, EnableLocalLogin = false,
.AddOpenIdConnect("AAD", "Azure Active Directory", options =>
options.SignInScheme = IdentityServerConstants.ExternalCookieAuthenticationScheme;
options.SignOutScheme = IdentityServerConstants.SignoutScheme;
options.Authority = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/MyTenant";
options.ClientId = "MyClientId";
options.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters
ValidateIssuer = false
options.GetClaimsFromUserInfoEndpoint = true;
public class ProfileService : IProfileService
private readonly IUserRepository _userRepository;
public ProfileService(IUserRepository userRepository)
_userRepository = userRepository
public Task GetProfileDataAsync(ProfileDataRequestContext context)
var user = _userRepository.FindByUser(context.Subject.Identity.Name);
// This will display HTTP 500 instead of 401
if(user == null) throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("You're not registered");
// I add custom claims here
return Task.FromResult(0);
public Task IsActiveAsync(IsActiveContext context) => Task.FromResult(0);
注意::假设我有SPA Web应用程序,并且我有自己的单独注册机制。如果用户不存在,我不想重定向回我的SPA,而是在IdentityServer4内部处理它。顺便说一句,为简洁起见,上面的一些代码未包括在内。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
如果使用ASP.NET Identity,则可以在ExternalLoginCallback
的{{1}}函数中编写自定义逻辑。从Azure AD发出JWT令牌后,您可以对令牌进行解码,获得用户声明,例如email / name:
if (remoteError != null)
ErrorMessage = $"Error from external provider: {remoteError}";
return RedirectToAction(nameof(Login));
// read external identity from the temporary cookie
var aadResult1 = await HttpContext.AuthenticateAsync(IdentityServerConstants.ExternalCookieAuthenticationScheme);
if (aadResult1?.Succeeded != true)
throw new Exception("External authentication error");
// retrieve claims of the external user
var externalUser = aadResult1.Principal;
if (externalUser == null)
throw new Exception("External authentication error");
// retrieve claims of the external user
var claims = externalUser.Claims.ToList();
// try to determine the unique id of the external user - the most common claim type for that are the sub claim and the NameIdentifier
// depending on the external provider, some other claim type might be used
var userIdClaim = claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == JwtClaimTypes.Subject);
if (userIdClaim == null)
userIdClaim = claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == "http://schemas.microsoft.com/identity/claims/objectidentifier");
if (userIdClaim == null)
throw new Exception("Unknown userid");
如何将AD用户链接到本地数据库用户取决于您。使用Azure AD的对象ID或UPN。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
IdentityServer4 QuickStart UI配置为在通过外部提供程序登录时自动设置本地用户帐户。这些全部在ExternalController.Callback
// lookup our user and external provider info
var (user, provider, providerUserId, claims) = FindUserFromExternalProvider(result);
if (user == null)
// this might be where you might initiate a custom workflow for user registration
// in this sample we don't show how that would be done, as our sample implementation
// simply auto-provisions new external user
user = AutoProvisionUser(provider, providerUserId, claims);
public async Task<IActionResult> Callback([FromServices] IUserRepository userRepository)
// lookup our user and external provider info
var (user, provider, providerUserId, claims) = FindUserFromExternalProvider(result);
if (user == null)
// We don't have a local user.
return RedirectToAction("SomeAction", "SomeController");