
时间:2018-12-12 07:36:13

标签: android database sqlite android-sqlite


数据库名称为“ Events.db”,该预填充数据库中有3个表。它们是事件,USER_EVENTS和通知。 EVENTSTable有240条记录,NOTIFICATIONS表有1条记录,并且USER_EVENTS表为空。用户保存一些数据时,将填充USER_EVENTS空表。将来,当我想向活动表中添加更多行而不影响其他表数据时,我需要找到一种方法。仅用于更新EVENTS表,而不影响USER_EVENTS表中用户输入的数据。因此,我试图更改数据库版本号,并且当它更改时,onUpgrade方法将触发并尝试实现我想要的功能。但是我不知道该怎么做,反正有实现这种情况的方法吗?或任何带有示例的建议?


public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

private static final String DB_PATH = "/data/data/com.calendar.shanu.calendar/databases/";

    private static final String DB_NAME = "Events.db";
    private static final int DB_VERSION = 1;
    private final Context myContext;
    public SQLiteDatabase db;

    public DatabaseHelper(Context context) {
        super(context, DB_NAME, null, DB_VERSION);
        this.myContext = context;

    public void createDataBase() throws IOException {
        boolean dbExist = checkDataBase();
        if (dbExist) {
        } else {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new Error("Error copying database");


    private boolean checkDataBase() {
        SQLiteDatabase checkDB = null;
        try {
            String myPath = DB_PATH + DB_NAME;
            checkDB = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(myPath, null,SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE);
        } catch (SQLiteException e) {
        if (checkDB != null)
        return checkDB != null ? true : false;

    private void copyDataBase() throws IOException {

        InputStream myInput = myContext.getAssets().open(DB_NAME);
        String outFileName = DB_PATH + DB_NAME;
        OutputStream myOutput = new FileOutputStream(outFileName);
        byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];
        int length;
        while ((length = myInput.read(buffer)) > 0) {
            myOutput.write(buffer, 0, length);


    public void opendb() throws SQLException {
        String myPath = DB_PATH + DB_NAME;
        db = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(myPath, null,SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE);
        Log.d("Test", "Database version: " +db.getVersion());

    public synchronized void close() {
        if (db != null)

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {

    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
        if(newVersion > oldVersion){
            try {
                Log.d("CopyDB", "in onUpgrade. Old is: " + oldVersion + " New is: " + newVersion);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

public void closedb(){
        if (db!=null){

//Database Insert, Update, Delete methods are in the below


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



  1. 使用不同的名称命名新数据库,然后将其复制到资产文件夹。
  2. 使用类似的帮助程序将其打开,然后将其从资产文件夹中复制,然后
  3. 继续并复制相应表中的行,并将其插入到先前/旧数据库的相应表中。

也许所有这些都是在增加版本号之后从 onUpgrade 启动的。



请给我看一个简单的示例代码。我认为使用复制数据   游标是一种好方法,但我不明白如何读取表格   来自两个表。


这假定原始数据库名为 events.db ,并具有3个表,即 event_table1 (已填充), event_table2 (也已填充)和 event_table3 为空。

填充了 event_table3 的新数据库称为 events_extra.db ,并已放置在资产文件夹中。

一个名为 ImportFromSecondaryDB 的类(不能使用SQliteOpenHelper的子类来打扰),将资产文件夹中的数据库复制为第二个数据库,同时打开两个数据库,并从第二个数据库中提取所有行(第三个表,然后将行插入到原始数据库中。最后,它从辅助数据库中删除所有行。

public class ImportFromSecondaryDB {
    public static final int IFSDB_COMPLETIONCODE_ALLREADYDONE = 1;
    SQLiteDatabase mPrimaryDB;
    SQLiteDatabase mSecondaryDB;
    int mCompletionCode = 0;
    int stage = 0;

    ImportFromSecondaryDB(Context context, String primaryDBName, String secondaryDBName) {

        File primaryDBFile = new File(context.getDatabasePath(primaryDBName).getPath());
        File secondaryDBFile = new File(context.getDatabasePath(secondaryDBName).getPath());
        byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];

        if (!primaryDBFile.exists()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Import as the Primary Database does not exist!");
        if (secondaryDBFile.exists()) {

        InputStream is;
        OutputStream os;
        int length = 0;
        int copied = 0;

        try {
            is = context.getAssets().open(secondaryDBName);
            os = new FileOutputStream(secondaryDBFile);
            while ((length = is.read(buffer)) > 0) {
                copied = copied + length;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Error copying secondary database from Asset " + secondaryDBName +
                            " to " + secondaryDBFile.getPath() + " at stage " + String.valueOf(stage)
        mPrimaryDB = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(primaryDBFile.getPath(),null,SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE);
        mSecondaryDB = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(secondaryDBFile.getPath(),null,SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE);

        ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
        Cursor csr = mSecondaryDB.query("event_table3",null,null,null,null,null,null);
        while (csr.moveToNext()) {
        mSecondaryDB.delete("event_table3",null,null); //???????

    public int getCompletionCode() {
        return this.mCompletionCode;
  • 请注意,getCompletionCode可以用于确定是否存在尚未导致引发异常的问题(已完成)。
  • 请注意,这还没有经过太多的测试,因此草率地整理了一下,因为它只是作为指南。


public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        dumpAllThreeTables(); // Dump Existing tables
        ImportFromSecondaryDB mIFSDB = new ImportFromSecondaryDB(this,"events.db","events_extra.db"); // Do the import
        dumpAllThreeTables(); // Dump the changed tables

    private void dumpAllThreeTables() {

        SQLiteDatabase mainDB = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(this.getDatabasePath("events.db").getPath(),null,SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE);
        Cursor csr = mainDB.query("event_table1",null,null,null,null,null,null);
        csr = mainDB.query("event_table2",null,null,null,null,null,null);
        csr = mainDB.query("event_table3",null,null,null,null,null,null);


12-12 10:43:38.766 2842-2842/? I/System.out: >>>>> Dumping cursor android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@534c2808
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 0 {
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=1
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    mainname=A
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 1 {
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=2
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    mainname=B
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 2 {
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=3
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    mainname=C
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 3 {
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=4
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    mainname=D
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 4 {
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=5
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    mainname=E
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 5 {
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=6
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    mainname=F
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 6 {
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=7
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    mainname=G
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 7 {
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=8
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    mainname=H
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 8 {
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=9
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    mainname=I
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out: <<<<<
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out: >>>>> Dumping cursor android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@534af7a8
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 0 {
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=1
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    secondaryname=Horse
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 1 {
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=2
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    secondaryname=Cow
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 2 {
12-12 10:43:38.770 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=3
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    secondaryname=Rabbit
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 3 {
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=4
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    secondaryname=Hare
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 4 {
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=5
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    secondaryname=Cat
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 5 {
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=6
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    secondaryname=Dog
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 6 {
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=7
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    secondaryname=Porcupine
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 7 {
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=8
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    secondaryname=Elephant
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 8 {
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=9
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    secondaryname=Sheep
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 9 {
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=10
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    secondaryname=Goat
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out: <<<<<
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out: >>>>> Dumping cursor android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@534c6e1c
12-12 10:43:38.774 2842-2842/? I/System.out: <<<<<


12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out: >>>>> Dumping cursor android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@534ae284
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 0 {
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=1
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    mainname=A
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 1 {
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=2
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    mainname=B
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 2 {
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=3
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    mainname=C
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 3 {
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=4
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    mainname=D
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 4 {
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=5
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    mainname=E
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 5 {
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=6
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    mainname=F
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 6 {
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=7
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    mainname=G
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 7 {
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=8
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    mainname=H
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 8 {
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=9
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    mainname=I
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out: <<<<<
12-12 10:43:38.790 2842-2842/? I/System.out: >>>>> Dumping cursor android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@534c44b4
12-12 10:43:38.794 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 0 {
12-12 10:43:38.794 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=1
12-12 10:43:38.794 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    secondaryname=Horse
12-12 10:43:38.794 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.794 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 1 {
12-12 10:43:38.794 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=2
12-12 10:43:38.794 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    secondaryname=Cow
12-12 10:43:38.794 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.794 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 2 {
12-12 10:43:38.794 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=3
12-12 10:43:38.794 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    secondaryname=Rabbit
12-12 10:43:38.794 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.794 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 3 {
12-12 10:43:38.794 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=4
12-12 10:43:38.794 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    secondaryname=Hare
12-12 10:43:38.794 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.794 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 4 {
12-12 10:43:38.794 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=5
12-12 10:43:38.794 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    secondaryname=Cat
12-12 10:43:38.794 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.794 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 5 {
12-12 10:43:38.794 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=6
12-12 10:43:38.794 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    secondaryname=Dog
12-12 10:43:38.794 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.794 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 6 {
12-12 10:43:38.794 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=7
12-12 10:43:38.798 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    secondaryname=Porcupine
12-12 10:43:38.798 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.798 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 7 {
12-12 10:43:38.798 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=8
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    secondaryname=Elephant
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 8 {
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=9
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    secondaryname=Sheep
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 9 {
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=10
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    secondaryname=Goat
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out: <<<<<
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out: >>>>> Dumping cursor android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@534c48c4
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 0 {
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=1
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    name=Z
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 1 {
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=2
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    name=X
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 2 {
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=3
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    name=Y
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 3 {
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=4
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    name=W
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 4 {
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=5
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    name=U
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 5 {
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=6
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    name=R
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 6 {
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=7
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    name=S
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out: 7 {
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    id=8
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out:    name=T
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out: }
12-12 10:43:38.802 2842-2842/? I/System.out: <<<<<


public class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

    private static final String DB_PATH = "/data/data/com.calendar.shanu.calendar/databases/";

    private static final String DB_NAME = "events.db"; //<<<<<<<<<<< Changed for testing
    private static final int DB_VERSION = 2; //<<<<<<<<<< Changed for Testing
    private final Context myContext;
    public SQLiteDatabase db;

    public DatabaseHelper(Context context) {
        super(context, DB_NAME, null, DB_VERSION);
        this.myContext = context;

    public void createDataBase() throws IOException {
        boolean dbExist = checkDataBase();
        if (dbExist) {
        } else {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new Error("Error copying database");

    private boolean checkDataBase() {
        SQLiteDatabase checkDB = null;
        try {
            String myPath = DB_PATH + DB_NAME;
            checkDB = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(myPath, null,SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE);
        } catch (SQLiteException e) {
        if (checkDB != null)
        return checkDB != null ? true : false;

    private void copyDataBase() throws IOException {

        InputStream myInput = myContext.getAssets().open(DB_NAME);
        String outFileName = DB_PATH + DB_NAME;
        OutputStream myOutput = new FileOutputStream(outFileName);
        byte[] buffer = new byte[2048];
        int length;
        while ((length = myInput.read(buffer)) > 0) {
            myOutput.write(buffer, 0, length);


    public void opendb() throws SQLException {
        String myPath = DB_PATH + DB_NAME;
        db = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(myPath, null,SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE);
        Log.d("Test", "Database version: " +db.getVersion());

    public synchronized void close() {
        if (db != null)

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {

    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
        if(newVersion > oldVersion){
            importFromSecondaryDB(myContext,db,"events_extra.db"); //<<<<<<<<<<
    public void closedb(){
        if (db!=null){

    private int importFromSecondaryDB(Context context, SQLiteDatabase maindb, String secondaryDBName) {

        File primaryDBFile = new File(maindb.getPath());
        File secondaryDBFile = new File(context.getDatabasePath(secondaryDBName).getPath());
        byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];

        // Check that the main database exist, if not then throw a runtime exception
        if (!primaryDBFile.exists()) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unable to Import as the Primary Database does not exist!");
        // If the secondary database exists then it has already been copied and thus data has been loaded
        // so return (can check returned code for allready done)
        if (secondaryDBFile.exists()) {
            return 1;

        //Prepare for file handling (copy)
        InputStream is;
        OutputStream os;
        int length;
        int copied = 0;

        try {
            is = context.getAssets().open(secondaryDBName); // Get the assets file
            os = new FileOutputStream(secondaryDBFile); // Get the file to be written to
            // Loop though the asset file in chunks reading it and then writing to output
            while ((length = is.read(buffer)) > 0) {
                copied = copied + length;
            // Copy done so flush and close files
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Error copying secondary database from Asset " + secondaryDBName +
                            " to " + secondaryDBFile.getPath()
        // Open the newly copied database
        SQLiteDatabase mSecondaryDB = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(secondaryDBFile.getPath(),null,SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE);

        //Copy the rows from the secondary (new) database, from table event_table3 to the main database's  event_table3
        //<<<<<<<<<< Note will have to be tailored to suit. >>>>>>>>>>>
        ContentValues cv = new ContentValues();
        // Extract the tables 
        Cursor csr = mSecondaryDB.query("event_table3",null,null,null,null,null,null);
        // Do in a Transaction
        // Loop through extracted rows
        while (csr.moveToNext()) {
        // ALl done so commit and close the transaction
        // OPTIONAL delete the rows from the secondary table as they have been applied
        mSecondaryDB.delete("event_table3",null,null); //???????
        // Finally close the secondary database as done with it (main stays open)
        return 0;