
时间:2018-12-11 22:41:53

标签: python




def findDupesNum(listy):
    a = []      # the current string's character list
    b = 0       # the 2-dupe counter
    c = 0       # the 3-dupe counter
    for i in listy:
        for x in i:
            if x in a and a.count(x) == 1 and x != '':
                b += 1
            elif x in a and a.count(x) == 2 and x != '':
                c += 1
                b -= 1
        print('b = ' + str(b) + ' and c = ' + str(c))

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


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答案 1 :(得分:2)


from collections import Counter

def find_duplicates(string_list):
    total_counter = Counter()

    for s in string_list:
        s_counter = Counter(s)
        total_counter.update(s_counter)    # also update total counter

        print('this string:', s)
            'number of chars that appear 2 times in this string:',
            len([c for c, n in s_counter.items() if n == 2]))
            'number of chars that appear 3 times in this string:',
            len([c for c, n in s_counter.items() if n == 3]))

    # print()
    # print(
    #     'number of chars that appear 2 times in ALL strings:',
    #     len([c for c, n in total_counter.items() if n == 2]))
    # print(
    #     'number of chars that appear 3 times in ALL strings:',
    #     len([c for c, n in total_counter.items() if n == 3]))


>>> s_list = ['alfa', 'beta', 'gamma', 'aaabbcc']
>>> find_duplicates(s_list)

this string: alfa
number of chars that appear 2 times in this string: 1
number of chars that appear 3 times in this string: 0

this string: beta
number of chars that appear 2 times in this string: 0
number of chars that appear 3 times in this string: 0

this string: gamma
number of chars that appear 2 times in this string: 2
number of chars that appear 3 times in this string: 0

this string: aaabbcc
number of chars that appear 2 times in this string: 2
number of chars that appear 3 times in this string: 1

答案 2 :(得分:0)


l = ["bob",'bob', "thomas", "rémi", "marc", 'rémi']

dictElt = {}

for string in l:
    if string in dictElt.keys(): #if the key of the dictionnary exists
        dictElt[string] += 1
        dictElt[string] = 1

# to get your results 
for string, nbr in dictElt.items():
    if nbr == 1:
         print(string, "number of occurences =", nbr)
    elif nbr ==2:
         print(string, "number of occurences =",nbr)
    elif nbr == 3:
         print(string, "number of occurences =",nbr)