
时间:2018-12-11 15:41:00

标签: apache-spark-sql datastax

I am trying to filter a dataframe like below


 val industry_df = industry_df0.filter( col("classification_type").===("GICS") )


Me getting error

java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: unsafe symbol Unstable (child of <none>) in runtime reflection universe
    at scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$Symbol.<init>(Symbols.scala:205)
    at scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$TypeSymbol.<init>(Symbols.scala:3030)
    at scala.reflect.internal.Symbols$ClassSymbol.<init>(Symbols.scala:3222)


2)当我尝试执行$(“ classification_type”)。===(“” GICS“)

I am getting $ not found error , what should I include to use $ on dataframe.

3)我正在尝试将连接查询与spark-sql一起使用,但不起作用,如何调试它?当然,此查询LOGIC适用于oracle db。

 val result_df =  sparkSession.sql("""
             select a.company_id, a.data_date, a.model_id, b.domicile_country_code, d.two_digit_iso_code, d.capiq_geo_name  
               from model_lnk a join company_filter_vals b on a.company_id=b.company_id 
               join reg_lnk c 
               join country d on c.ctry_geo_code=d.geo_code
               where  a.model_id in (3020,3030)
               and b.model_group_id in (select model_group_id from model where model_id in (3020,3030))
           """  )



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