这是我的数据结构和算法类的最终项目的一部分;我已经一遍又一遍地对其进行了测试,对代码进行了无数次测试,甚至达到了使用骰子模拟随机生成的数字并手动执行程序的目的。我完全不知所措!似乎没有任何测试可以告诉我发生了什么事情,除了代码 在程序中四处移动。在这一点上,我觉得我需要另一双更有经验的眼睛。任何帮助都将受到赞赏。
class ViewController: UIViewController, ARSCNViewDelegate {
@IBOutlet var sceneView: ARSCNView!
var isTorchOn = false
private func turnTorch(enabled: Bool) {
guard let device = AVCaptureDevice.default(for: AVMediaType.video) else {
return // Cant initiate avcapturedevice error
if device.hasTorch {
do {
try device.lockForConfiguration()
if enabled {
device.torchMode = .on
} else {
device.torchMode = .off
self.isTorchOn = enabled // *** Add this line! ***
} catch {
} else {
func renderer(_ renderer: SCNSceneRenderer, didRenderScene scene: SCNScene, atTime time: TimeInterval) {
if self.sceneView.session.currentFrame != nil {
if !isTorchOn {
turnTorch(enabled: true)
func sessionWasInterrupted(_ session: ARSession) {
// Probably you would want to turn the torch off here.
func sessionInterruptionEnded(_ session: ARSession) {
// Probably you would want to turn the torch on again here.
答案 0 :(得分:0)
public void sort(T[] input) {
System.out.println("~~~~~~~Begin Sort~~~~~~~"); //debug line
System.out.println("Initial array as follows:"); //debug line
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; ++i){
System.out.print(input[i] + ", ");
} //debug line
System.out.print("\n\n"); //debug line
int min; //Holds index of smallest item in array
int max; //Holds index of largest item in array
int lowBound = 0; //Holds index of the smallest index being explored;
//initialized as 0, the lowest possible index value
int highBound = input.length - 1; //Holds index of the largest index
//being explored; initialized as
//highest index value in input[]
T trader; //Holds value being traded
while ((highBound - lowBound) > 0) {
min = lowBound; //Both of these are initialized and replaced with
max = highBound; //the new highest and lowest values each time the
//while loop repeats
System.out.println("\nMin and max set at " + min + " and " + max +
" respectively"); //debug line
System.out.println("Exploring region bound by " + lowBound + " and " + highBound);
for (int i = lowBound; i <= highBound; i++) {
if (input[max].compareTo(input[i]) < 0) {
max = i;
System.out.println("new max found at " + i); //debug line
} //Sets max to i (the new value) if the data at i is found to
//be greater than the data at max
if (input[min].compareTo(input[i]) > 0) {
min = i;
System.out.println("new min found at " + i); //debug line
} //Sets min to i (the new value) if the data at i is found to
//be less than the data at max
} //Explores the region set by the bounds declared earlier
if (min == highBound && max == lowBound) {
trader = input[min]; //Sets the trader to val @ lowBound
System.out.println("Trader is " + trader); //debug line
input[min] = input[max]; //Sets val @ lowBound to val @ min
input[max] = trader; //Sets val @ min to val in the trader
System.out.println("lowBound is now " + input[lowBound] +
" and highBound is now " + input[highBound]); //debug line
} //Ensures min and max are not each other to prevent double-
//swapping (allowing for two different swaps as the need arises)
else {
if (min != lowBound){
trader = input[lowBound]; //Sets the trader to val @ lowBound
System.out.println("Trader is " + trader); //debug line
input[lowBound] = input[min]; //Sets val @ lowBound to val @ min
input[min] = trader; //Sets val @ min to val in the trader
System.out.println("lowBound is now " + input[lowBound] +
" and min is now " + input[min]); //debug line
if (max == lowBound) {
max = min;
}//ensures that the program doesn't get mixed up if the
//numbers get switched around
} //Swaps the values at min and lowBound if a change is necessary
if (max != highBound){
trader = input[highBound]; //Sets the trader to val @ highBound
System.out.println("Trader is " + trader); //debug line
input[highBound] = input[max]; //Sets val @ highBound to val @
input[max] = trader; //Sets val @ max to val in the trader
System.out.println("HighBound is now " + input[highBound] +
" and max is now " + input[max]); //debug line
if (min == highBound) {
min = max;
}//technically unnecessary, but symmetrical code is pretty
}//Swaps the values at max and highBound if a change is necessary
} //Swaps the values at highBound and lowBound if an outright switch
//is necessary
System.out.print("new array "); //debug line
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; ++i){
System.out.print(input[i] + ", ");
} //debug line
System.out.print("\n\n"); //debug line
System.out.println("~~~~~~~~End Sort~~~~~~~~~\n\n"); //debug line