时间:2018-12-07 15:32:31

标签: c# linq subquery



Write a LINQ query to select all customers buying milk.
Print the Name of each customer in the query.


        Product milk    = new Product { Name = "Milk",    Price = 13.02m };
        Product butter  = new Product { Name = "Butter",  Price = 8.23m };
        Product bread   = new Product { Name = "Bread",   Price = 17.91m };
        Product cacao   = new Product { Name = "Cacao",   Price = 25.07m };
        Product juice   = new Product { Name = "Juice",   Price = 17.03m };

        Customer c1 = new Customer { Name = "x", City = "g", Orders = new Order[] {
               new Order { Quantity = 2, Product = milk     },
               new Order { Quantity = 1, Product = butter   },
               new Order { Quantity = 1, Product = bread    }

        Customer c2 = new Customer { Name = "y", City = "g", Orders = new Order[] {
                new Order { Quantity = 1, Product = cacao   },
                new Order { Quantity = 1, Product = bread   },
                new Order { Quantity = 2, Product = milk    },
                new Order { Quantity = 2, Product = butter  },

        Customer c3 = new Customer { Name = "z", City = "g",  Orders = new Order[] {
                new Order { Quantity = 3, Product = juice   }

        Customer[] customers = new Customer[] { c1, c2, c3 };


        var QueryCustomerByCity = from cus in customers.AsEnumerable()
                                     where cus.City == "g"
                                     select cus;

        foreach (Customer c in QueryCustomerByCity)
            Console.WriteLine("Customer {0} lives in {1}", c.Name, c.City);



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


var QueryCustomerByCity = from cus in customers.AsEnumerable() //for each customer in customers 
                          where cus.City == "g" // where the Customer is from the City "g"
                          select cus; // select the customer

读为“对于cus数组中代表customers的每个客户,其中客户所在的城市为“ g”,然后保留该客户”。因此,结果是您将拥有一系列客户,他们的城市为“ g”。


var result = from cus in customers // for each customer in customers                  
             where cus.Orders.Any(o => o.Product.Name == "Milk") // where the product name is "Milk"
             select cus; // select the customer

这实际上遍历了customers数组中的客户并检查了他们的订单,并且是否有名称为“ Milk”的产品保留了该特定客户。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

LINQ查询是管道:数据从一个子句到另一个子句在流中逐元素流动。从某些数据源中,您可以获取元素流(例如,通过AsEnumerable)。您可以从元素流中对某些谓词进行过滤(对返回布尔值的元素执行功能),仅将谓词接受的那些元素(返回为true)保留在该流中,并丢弃其他元素。该过滤器称为WHERE,谓词是WHERE子句的其余部分,例如WHERE cus.City == "G"。而且,还可以从流中的元素中选择一个字段,将流从(原始)元素的流更改为字段的流。这是一个SELECT,例如SELECT g.City,其中的流程将从客户流变为字符串流(每个字符串都是城市名称)。
