IBM Watson Assistant:如何启用用户指标

时间:2018-12-07 10:34:36

标签: node.js ibm-cloud ibm-watson watson-conversation

我们想知道每个用户从客户端应用程序调用IBM Watson Assistant服务的次数及其每个用户的帐单详细信息。 我试图基于此URL(为Watson Assistant服务启用用户指标,并在我的node.js代码中添加标头和元数据。 但是,当我在对话中选中 Improve (改进)标签时,该标签未显示用户详细信息,其计数为0。


// conversation config
var conversation = new ConversationV1({
url: '',
username: process.env.CONVERSATION_USERNAME,
password: process.env.CONVERSATION_PASSWORD,
version_date: '2018-02-16',
version: 'v1',
context : {
        metadata : {
           "user_id": "{1234}"
headers: {'X-Watson-Metadata':'customer_id=user777;customer_id=xyz'}


'use strict';

require('dotenv').config({ silent: true });

var express = require('express'); // app server
var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); // parser for post requests

//setup watson services
var ConversationV1 = require('watson-developer-cloud/conversation/v1'); // 
watson sdk
var DiscoveryV1 = require('watson-developer-cloud/discovery/v1');

var app = express();
// Bootstrap application settings
 app.use(express.static('./public')); // load UI from public folder
// conversation config

var conversation = new ConversationV1({
url: '',
username: process.env.CONVERSATION_USERNAME || 'replace with the 
password: process.env.CONVERSATION_PASSWORD || 'replace with the 
version_date: '2018-02-16', //set currenct date, check here
version: 'v1',
context : {
metadata : {
   "user_id": "{1234}"
headers: {'X-Watson-Metadata':'customer_id=user777;customer_id=xyz'}
// Endpoint to be call from the client side for message'/api/message', (req, res) => {
var workspace = process.env.WORKSPACE_ID || '<workspace-id>';
if (!workspace || workspace === '<workspace-id>') {
    return res.json({
        'output': {
            'text': 'Please update the WORKSPACE_ID in your .env file with 
 your credential! If you did update, try to verify if the file are just 
with the name: .env'
  var payload = {
    workspace_id: workspace,
    context: {},
    input: {}
 if (req.body) {
    if (req.body.input) {
        payload.input = req.body.input;
    if (req.body.context) {
        // The client must maintain context/state
        payload.context = req.body.context;
  // Send the input to the conversation service
 conversation.message(payload, function(err, data) {
    if (err) {
        return res.status(err.code || 500).json(err);
    updateMessage(res, payload, data);
function updateMessage(res, input, response) {
if (!response.output) {
    response.output = {};
} else if (response.output && response.output.text) {
    return res.json(response);

 module.exports = app;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

呼叫add the user id information to the context时,您需要发送message API。对Watson Assistant的每个请求都可以具有不同的用户ID ,例如,当您具有多租户应用程序并且您的应用程序/服务器同时处理多个用户及其请求时。

签出the context section for the message call,它具有有关将数据放置在JSON结构中的位置的信息。您可以将上下文更新合并到消息有效负载中:

  workspace_id: '{workspace_id}',
  input: {'text': 'Hello'},
  context: {
       metadata : {
         "user_id": "{1234}"


2 active users

每个用户的平均会话次数: average conversations per user
