无法识别的WebSocket连接选项`agent`,`perMessageDeflate`,`pfx`,`key`,`passphrase ......是要放在“标头”下吗?

时间:2018-12-05 18:34:02

标签: react-native websocket

您是否曾经使用WebSocket(来自'socket.io-client'的SocketIOClient)在React Native应用程序中遇到此消息?...

Unrecognized WebSocket connection option(s) `agent`, `perMessageDeflate`, `pfx`, `key`, `passphrase`, `cert`, `ca`, `ciphers`, `rejectUnauthorized`. Did you mean to put these under `headers`?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:21)

是的,这是在Socket.io中的WebSocket类构造函数中发生的。我认为在构造函数中将传输层指定为“ websocket”时会发生这种情况(这对于使用React Native socket io是必需的)。它没有做任何坏事,但是很烦人。 您可以使用本机YellowBox.ignoreWarnings摆脱它: 启动应用程序时:

console.ignoredYellowBox = ['Remote debugger'];
import { YellowBox } from 'react-native';
    'Unrecognized WebSocket connection option(s) `agent`, `perMessageDeflate`, `pfx`, `key`, `passphrase`, `cert`, `ca`, `ciphers`, `rejectUnauthorized`. Did you mean to put these under `headers`?'

答案 1 :(得分:1)


let socket = io.connect(SOCKET_URL, {
  timeout: 10000,
  jsonp: false,
  transports: [‘websocket’],
  autoConnect: false,
  agent: ‘-’,
  path: ‘/’, // Whatever your path is
  pfx: ‘-’,
  key: token, // Using token-based auth.
  passphrase: cookie, // Using cookie auth.
  cert: ‘-’,
  ca: ‘-’,
  ciphers: ‘-’,
  rejectUnauthorized: ‘-’,
  perMessageDeflate: ‘-’