如何在CodeIgniter中使用计数功能,我最近将xampp 7.2
遇到PHP错误 严重程度:警告 消息:count():参数必须是实现Countable的数组或对象 文件名:dispatch_challan / DispatchChallanController.php 行号:24
答案 0 :(得分:3)
尚不清楚“ disp_ch_ids”是否真的可以“计数”(在此上下文中,它表示action.php
// Start the session
// Require the database
require databaseConn.php;
// checks if prouct variable is set or not
$order_table = '';
$message = '';
// If we are trying to add cars into the cart. If we click the add button
if($_POST['action'] == 'add'){
// this will check if the shopping cart has something in it. If the session is set
// variable for products that are already added into cart
$is_available = 0;
// we loop through our shopping cart and increment every time for whats in there
foreach($_SESSION['shopping_cart'] as $keys => $values){
// this will check value of our post and check to make sure its available in our SESSION
if($_SESSION['shopping_cart'][$keys]['product_id'] == $_POST['product_id']){
// we increment and the number of products in our cart is reflected
// now we put how many of that product we have for that specific car. Add product quantity to whats aleady available
$_SESSION['shopping_cart']['$keys']['product_quantity'] = $_SESSION['shopping_cart'][$keys]['product_quantity'] + $_POST['product_quantity'];
// if we dont have anything in the cart, then we add into the cart
// If its already in there then we just increase anwyays
if($is_available < 1){
$item_array = array(
// we store the product
'product_id' => $_POST['product_id'],
'product_name' => $_POST['product_name'],
'product_price' => $_POST['product_price'],
'product_quantity' => $_POST['product_quantity']
// now we store our items into the session array
$_SESSION['shopping_cart'][] = $item_array;
// If the SESSION is not set
$item_array = array(
'product_id' => $_POST['product_id'],
'product_name' => $_POST['product_name'],
'product_price' => $_POST['product_price'],
'product_quantity' => $_POST['product_quantity']
// Now we store this array into our SESSION array
$_SESSION['shopping_cart'][] = $item_array;
// Show the shopping car data in a table format
$order_table .= '
<table class="table table-bordered">
<th width = "50%">Car Name</th>
<th width = "10%">Car Name</th>
<th width = "20%">Car Name</th>
<th width = "15%">Car Name</th>
<th width = "5%">Car Name</th>
// checks if the session has a value or not
// this variable will to calculate toatal of shopping cart and then we display it
$total = 0;
// And then we loop and print the car information
// This will all appear In our cart tab
foreach($_SESSION['shopping_cart'] as $keys => $values){
$order_table .= '
<td '.$values['product_name'].'</td>
<td '.$values['product_quantity'].' </td>
<td align="right">$ '.$values['product_price'].'</td>
<td align="right">$ '.number_format($values['product_quantity'] * $values['product_price'], 2).'</td>
<td><button name="delete" class="delete" id="'.$values['product_id'].'">Delete</button></td>
// We will get the total of the whole shopping cart and store in total
$total = $total + ($values['product_quantity'] * $values['product_price']);
// Now we want to show the whole total of the cart
$order_table .= '
<td colspan = "3" align= "right">Total</td>
<td align = "right">$'.number_format($total,2).'</td>
$order_table .= '</table>';
$output = array(
'order_table' => $order_table,
// This will count the number of items in our shopping cart for every SESSION
'cart_item' => count($_SESSION['shopping_cart'])
// send data to ajax request
// converts php array to json string and send to ajax request
// If everything works well then we got back to our index.php and in
// our callback we get this as the data paramter
echo json_encode($output);
不存在, array