
时间:2018-12-05 09:45:55

标签: python pygame



在玩我的游戏时,用户可以选择四个选项(目前只有两个选项有些用),其中一个允许他们访问库存。当变量“ inv” == True时,游戏将进入一个类似于游戏主循环的循环,在该循环中将发生仅限于清单屏幕的过程。

以下是与“ inv == True” while循环相关的代码:

def textChange(end, inv, spin, fight, run): #code for changing text
    integ = random.randint(0,4) # for choosing a random escape quote from the runWords variable
    if end == True:
        display_box.draw(screen) # draws the main box to the screen.
        textDisplay("", 487, 312, fBold)
        pygame.quit() #quit game
        gameRun = False #break the loop.
    elif inv == True: #if the inventory has been selected
        while inv == True: #if user in the inventory menu:
            key = pygame.key.get_pressed()
            inv_window = pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load("bigbox.png"), (449, 289)) #loads display box
            screen.fill(bg_colour) #fills screen
            screen.blit(inv_window, (75,0)) #blits the display box
            display_box.drawsmall(screen) #draws smaller box
            pygame.display.update() #updates display
            if key[pygame.K_ESCAPE]: #if down
                inv = False
        display_box.draw(screen) #display larger message box
        display_box.drawsmall(screen) #display smaller selection box
        textDisplay("fight", 487, 312, fBold) #display fight option
        textDisplay("items", 561, 312, iBold) #item option
        textDisplay("spin",487,376, sBold)    #spin option
        textDisplay("run",561,376, rBold)     #run
        textDisplayMessage(message, 12, 297)


#display items in 2 x 4 at right of box
#next page option if more items needed
#items type listed down left side
#select item: use option and back option appear in lower right box
#back option will be present in lower right box otherwise.

import time, random, sys
import pygame
(width, height) = (600, 400) #specify width, height
bg_colour = (100, 20, 156) #specify bgcolour

#pre-defining some variables so they can be changed later.
fBold = False
iBold = False
sBold = False
rBold = False
down = False
right = False

endFight = False
inven = False
fighty = False
spinner = False

runWords = ["gotta dash.","better skidaddle.","I left the tap running.","nice seein' you.","later."] #for when the player escapes battle

##class inventory(): #inventory items stored in class????
##    def __init__(self):
##        print("hi")
playerInv = ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"]

fps = 60

class infoBox(object):
    def __init__(self, surface):
        self.box = pygame.image.load("bigbox.png") # loads text/info boxes
        self.sbox = pygame.image.load("smallbox.png")

    def draw(self, surface):
        surface.blit(self.box, (0, 289)) #for blitting the big and small boxes to the screen
    def drawsmall(self, surface):
        surface.blit(self.sbox, (449, 289))

def textDisplay(text, x, y, bold): #function for displaying text
    if bold == True:
        font = "courbd.ttf" #code for bold text, red and bold font
        colour = (225, 0, 0)
    elif bold == False:
        font = "cour.ttf" #otherwise the font is normal and white
        colour = (255,255,255)
    textSize = pygame.font.Font(font,14) #font size and font is specified
    textSurf = textSize.render(text, True, colour) # code for rendering text
    textRect = textSurf.get_rect()
    textRect.center = (x, y) #coords of text
    screen.blit(textSurf, textRect) #blits text for battle options to screen

def textDisplayMessage(msg, x, y): #function for displaying textbox message
    font2 = "cour.ttf" # separate font variable for option descriptions
    colour2 = (255,255,255) 
    textSize2 = pygame.font.Font(font2,14)
    textSurf2 = textSize2.render(msg, True, colour2)
    textRect2 = textSurf2.get_rect()
    textRect2.topleft = (x, y) #specifies x and y from top left instead ofcenter
    screen.blit(textSurf2, textRect2)
    pygame.display.update() # updates display

def textChange(end, inv, spin, fight, run): #code for changing text
    integ = random.randint(0,4) # for choosing a random escape quote from the runWords variable
    if end == True:
        display_box.draw(screen) # draws the main box to the screen.
        textDisplay("", 487, 312, fBold)
        pygame.quit() #quit game
        gameRun = False #break the loop.
    elif inv == True: #if the inventory has been selected
        while inv == True: #if user in the inventory menu:
            key = pygame.key.get_pressed()
            inv_window = pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load("bigbox.png"), (449, 289)) #loads display box
            screen.fill(bg_colour) #fills screen
            screen.blit(inv_window, (75,0)) #blits the display box
            display_box.drawsmall(screen) #draws smaller box
            pygame.display.update() #updates display
            if key[pygame.K_ESCAPE]: #if down
                inv = False
        display_box.draw(screen) #display larger message box
        display_box.drawsmall(screen) #display smaller selection box
        textDisplay("fight", 487, 312, fBold) #display fight option
        textDisplay("items", 561, 312, iBold) #item option
        textDisplay("spin",487,376, sBold)    #spin option
        textDisplay("run",561,376, rBold)     #run
        textDisplayMessage(message, 12, 297)

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) #specify screen size
pygame.display.set_caption("battle EduGame") #window name

clock = pygame.time.Clock()


gameRun = True

display_box = infoBox(screen)

while gameRun:

    screen.fill(bg_colour) #fill screen

    event = pygame.event.poll()
    if event.type == pygame.QUIT: #if the "x" is pressed
       pygame.quit() #quit game
       gameRun = False #break the loop.
    if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
        if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT and right == False: #only allows right arrow to be pressed if the variable for the right arrow hasn't been triggered:
            right = True
        elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT and right == True: #if the right arrow variable has been triggered, then the left button can be pressed to turn it off again.
            right = False
        elif event.key == pygame.K_UP and down == True: #same, but for down and up.
            down = False
        elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN and down == False:
            down = True
    if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_RETURN: #if press return...
        if fBold == True:
            fighty = True #trigger fight option 
        elif sBold == True:
            spinner = True #trigger spinner
        elif iBold == True:
            inven = True #trigger inventory
        elif rBold == True:
            print("good evening")
            endFight = True #trigger run/end the fight
            textChange(endFight, inven, spinner, fighty, runWords) #change the text.

    if inven == True:
        print("nice one") #placeholder
        if down == False and right == False: #if pointer in the top left:
            fBold = True
            sBold = False
            iBold = False
            rBold = False
            message = "strike the opponent!" #change the message
        if down == True and right == False: #if in bottom left
            sBold = True
            fBold = False
            iBold = False
            rBold = False
            message = "spin the question wheel!" #change
        if down == False and right == True: #if in top right
            iBold = True
            sBold = False
            fBold = False
            rBold = False
            message = "access your inventory!"
        if down == True and right == True: #if bottom right
            rBold = True
            sBold = False
            iBold = False
            fBold = False
            message = "run like a coward!"

    #print (fBold,sBold,iBold,rBold)
    textChange(endFight, inven, spinner, fighty, runWords) #update text

    pygame.display.update() #update screen


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


pygame.event.poll() #Is defined only at the beginning of the game loop


if inv == True:


if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_RETURN:


key = pygame.key.get_pressed()